Chapter One

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"Are you sure this is the asking price?" I asked with doubt. I might not own a house yet however I'm pretty sure a house like this isn't supposed to be this cheep.

He nods, "Yes it is." He smiles at Harper and her wide smile.  She looks at the pictures and the price in disbelief. "Amelia you can't turn this down, I mean come on look at it."

I look at the house, okay it is beautiful. Grey stone with a porch and vines climbing up the side of one of the windows. It looks like something from a fairytale. The inside it pretty too. A twisted staircase, marble floors, three bedrooms with their own bathroom and  a huge kitchen and living room. The garden has a pool however right now it looks like a swamp. But nothing we can't handle. All this for an unbelievable price.

Plus it's far away from the city as possible, unlike the other houses we've seen. 

We want away from the cities, away from memories. My father passed away, both of Harper's parents died along with him. They were at work when there was a fire, they never made it out in time. So we got money in the will. I have been in many adverts a child and now I have lots of money from that too. Harper is selling her house since she's the only child so she's got money from that. We have alot of money. However we're not telling the Agent that. 

This house's asking price is too low. We've seen a lot of them and this is the cheapest. Plus the Agent looked rather squeamish showing it to us. 

I look back at Harper, her big chocolate eyes wide and smiley, "Please Amy. I love it so much, and we can afford it." 

Please, the price is lower that half of the money I have in my bank. Even though that's a lot but still. 

I sigh and think about it, I love the house to, "Okay, but only if you can answer one question." I say to the Agent."

He looks at me, his burn pink skin sweating, "yes ma'am?"

I pick up the picture of the house and hold it up, "This house is beautiful, no doubt. So why hasn't anyone bought it and why is the asking price so low."

He sighs and leans back on the chair,  "Well, you see... there has been three deaths in that house and six people who have lived in that house died." He says rather fast and gulps.

I knew it, mother said there is always a catch. I look at Harper, she just sits there looking at the price and the other pictures. 

I look back at the Agent, "How?"

He shrugs and looks a lot calmer, "Well from what I have gathered by the neighbour hood it's either suicide, accident or in the last case murder." 

I sit back and cross my arms, "Hmmm."

Okay.... that is a lot of deaths..."How much murders have there been?"

He smiles, "Only one on record, the father of the last family was found on the kitchen floor with his head in the upstairs bathroom. Four accidents around the house and two suicides in the woods. " He says.

I look over at Harper again, she's giving me the puppy dog eyes, she's already signed it. So if I say no she'll be alone in an empty house. I am not leaving my best friend in a house by herself. I sigh and pick up the pen. I scribble down my signature and prop the pen on the table. 

The man grins, "Pleasure doing business with you."

He hands Harper the keys and I swear her squeal could be classed as white noise. I start getting butterflies, we just bought a house, I just bought a house. I, Amelia Parker, at the age of 22, just bought a house. 

This is crazy. 

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