“Have you finished admiring Clary? I’m sure your mum would rather you come inside then stand out here and dawdle.” I heard Uncle Harry break my train of thought as I turned back at him and gave him a faint smile, before my eyes widened. For a brief moment it looked as if I saw a pair of yellow, nefarious eyes staring back at me from Uncle Harry’s face. “Is something wrong, Clary?” I heard Harry’s concerned tone as he stepped forward, probably making sure I wouldn’t have another nervous breakdown—I’ve been having a lot of those lately.

I quickly shook my head, getting the image away from my mind and opened my eyes to see a pair of concerned green eyes staring back at me. I sighed; this has been happening a lot. Seeing the yellow eyes on every person I loved, cared for or even on just a Healer—that one was bad. “Yes,” I responded quickly, hopefully not giving too much away as to have Uncle Harry send me back to St. Mungos. “Just tired, and a bit worried on what I’m going to find when I get upstairs.”

“I’m sure it can’t be that bad Clary,” Uncle Harry reasoned and just as he finished the window above—in the apartment we were standing in front of—shattered as books and glass fell on the ground before us. I sighed, already knowing the cause of the broken glass and the yells coming from above, the familiar voice of my mother. I looked down at the book on the ground and sighed, I’ve seen this book many times in my living room where my mum keeps all the muggle books.

“You were saying Uncle Harry?” I asked with a smile as I glanced at my speechless Uncle. He seemed utterly flabbergasted that this was actually happening, I, however, was not.

“You mean? You’re mum—“

“Yes, she is probably, at this very moment. Trying to kill Nathan, so unless you want to have your head ripped off, I advise you Uncle Harry, to leave at once. We’ll see you at dinner tonight, I promise, I can take my luggage from here.” I replied with a smile as Uncle Harry just nodded somewhat before he glanced back at the glass on the ground and then at the roaring voice up above, passing by muggles glanced at the situation as well. Curious as to what was going on today at the Weasley family apartment.

“Are you sure you all are going to make it tonight?” Uncle Harry asked apprehensively as I picked up my luggage and started to head towards the apartment building, where few angry looking residence were fleeing from the building, cursing underneath their breath about an estrange, ill-mannered woman. I nodded, somewhat apprehensively.

“I’m pretty sure we will, as long as mum doesn’t get any more unexpected people moving in her apartment.” I replied as Harry just groaned.

“I should warn you Clary, Teddy, James and Scorpius mentioned they would be dropping off, to welcome you home.” Uncle Harry said as my heart skipped a beat. Sure, I’ve seen the three of them continuously when I was in St. Mungos—along with the rest of my friends, Libby, Lara, McKenzie and Bradley. But now that I didn’t have the Healers always coming in to check on me, or to shoo them off. I now, had no other reason to tell them what fully happened to me on that night and about the large scar reaching from my naval to the heart of my chest.

“R-Right,” I stammered somewhat as I just tried to shrug it off. It was going to happen sometime. “Thanks Uncle Harry,” I replied before heading further inside, but I stopped and called out to Uncle Harry once more, “And Uncle Harry, could you please tell Kingsley to at least get better Aurors who are good at sneaking around, that same Auror has been on the steps of the nearby apartment ever since we got here, he needs to be less noticeable.” I replied as I nodded in the direction of the man sitting on the steps at the nearby apartment smoking a pipe with a top hat. It was completely obvious he was a newbie Auror who was suppose to be watching me. This was probably the first time he had field work in the Muggle World. Uncle Harry smiled sheepishly before he glared at the disguised wizard on the steps. I rolled my eyes and made my way inside the apartment building, soon fully hearing the echoes of my mum’s yells echo off the paper thin walls.

Magic was Only the Beginning {Clary Riddle Sequel}Where stories live. Discover now