She felt a grab on her arm.

"I hope you're not letting an event from years ago take control of your life now, Daysia."

"How do you know it's actually me. It was always hard to tell us black folks apart right?"

"I was young. I admit to my wrong. Let's not let the little things of high school stop us from-"

"From what? First off, you almost got a best friend killed. Second off, you're married."

"Ah but if I wasn't there'd be a possibility huh?"

"Let go of my arm."

"You know I've been thinking about you for years now. I missed you."

"Yeah well why don't you go miss someone else's girlfriend."

We both turned to see Jeffery standing with his arms crossed.

Troy let out a chuckle.

"I didn't know you were seeing someone." He said.

"Wouldn't really make a difference." Daysia mumbled.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Just go." Jeffery snapped.

Troy let go of my arm and nodded at the both of us before walking away.

"I'm gonna go check on Miciah." Brazil said, getting up.

"You wanna get out of here?" Randy asked.

Annick turned to him.

"And go where exactly?"

Randy stood up, holding out his hand.

"You'll see."

She took his hand and followed him out of the restaurant.

"Can you tell me now?"

"We haven't even gotten into the car yet."

She shrugged.

That got into the car and Annick sighed.

"The suspense is killing me." She whined.

"It's actually not that far. Maybe an hour or so."

Annick's eyes widened.

"An hour? An hour in the car? I can't do that."

"It was a three hour drive to get here from our town to here." He stated.

"I know but Miciah smacks me if I whine. You sure as hell aren't-"

Randy leaned in kissing her once again since that was the main thing that got her to be quiet.

"Can you promise me you'll shut up now?" He asked still managing to sound sweet.

Annick rolled her eyes but nodded.

"Miciah, you good?" Brazil asked as she entered the lady's bathroom.

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