"Well it's not a message from me.... It's from my boss!" Freed said pointing up towards the sky which suddenly switched to an ominous amethyst shade. "

"Good day to you all devils!" The creature said unfurling ten powerful black wings.

"A fallen angel!" Koneko said now on full alert.

"Judging by the amount of wings he has to be a high tiered fallen angel!" Akeno said.

"Good day to you high ranked fallen angel. My name is Rias Gremory. What does a fallen angel like yourself want with us?" Rias said making the enemy smile.

"Ahh daughter of the Gremories, you have beautiful red hair just like your brother. It makes me want to vomit. My name is Kokabiel and I only have one objective." Kokabiel said making Issei leap in front of Rias.

"President Rias! Please get back master, Kokabiel plans to bring you to a near death state in order to anger Sirzechs to start a war between Devils and fallen angels! He doesn't plan to just steal Excalibur, I've already heard all about it from Sirzechs, he wants to start a war between Devils, Fallen angels and the church!" Issei said powering up his sacred gear.

Kokabiel let out a menacing cackle.

"Ha-ha! This young one is sharp! I guess the cat's out of the bag! I'm so bored of this shitty world. So I want to bring it to its knee's! I took the Excalibur swords in order provoke the church but all they did was send those pathetic weak priests instead! We would have won that war if we kept fighting! And now I'm going to start another war by taking out the heir to the Gremory family!" Kokabiel said suddenly creating a huge magic circle unleashing heaps of holy magic.

"Everyone get behind me!" Issei said doing a mixture of quick hand gestures creating a huge crimson magic circle.

A powerful light emerged from the circle causing a huge wall of dragon scales to block Kokabiel's surprise strike. Absorbing the full impact of the strike.


"Is everyone alright?" Issei said managing to protect them all.

"Where's Kokabiel and Freed?" Akeno asked unable to locate the pair.

"They're heading towards Kuoh academy." Koneko said seeing them in the distance from the tree she perched in.

"Right let's go then!" Rias ordered creating a transportation circle.

"Yes president!" They all shouted as they entered the circle.

(Outside Kuoh Academy)

"Something is definitely going on in there. We need to approach this carefully. Sona and her peerage are keeping this barrier in place so we can go all out. But be on your guard understood?" Rias said noticing the golden lights shooting from the ground.

"Yes President!"

"By the way Issei, what was that spell just now?" Rias asked making Issei point to his sacred gear.

"It's a new technique I've been working on; it's still in the beta stage so it has a few bugs still. But it's the only defence spell I currently know. On the bright side, it guarantees absolute defence."

"What kind of bugs do you mean?" Rias said making Issei proceed in explaining in further detail.

"It requires a great amount of magic power and concentration. So as a result my balance breaker becomes inactive for 30 minutes. So until the count is over, I will only be able to fight with my sacred gear and use support techniques." Issei said as his second jewel now had two giant digits inside of it. 3 0.

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