Chapter Twenty-Eight-American Risers-July 15, 2013

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New York City,

New York,

July 15, 2013,

11:00 pm

Rand Pine scoffed at the idea that the mania could kill millions of people.

    He saw the girl's ample breasts.

 He kissed her.

     "Honey, you're a tease".

Rand saw 43 messages on his I-phone.

     "Why are you leaving?".

"We're dead. So I'm getting out".

      "But....what about me".

      "Nothing will make me happier than...".

"I'm pregnant!".

    "Not my issue. I gotta leave". And Rand Pine left the woman crying in her own misery in her Manhattan Hotel room.


Rand grabbed the Room 403 card.

    He saw some people walking down the hallway.

He saw their pale faces; he saw their rotting faces.

     And they moved so fast Rand didn't have any time to they fed on the American spy's face, as globs of ripped flesh splattered on the ground, as the feeding begun.


Carin, (the pregnant lover or Rand), heard the screams.

       She opened the room window.

And she went down the pipe.

      Once she got to the ground, she thought she was safe.

But, as she went across the road towards 7th Avenue, she also screamed. 64 Zombies arrived. She thought she was going to die.

       Suddenly a black colored limousine arrived.

      "GET IN!". April yelled, and Carin raced into the passenger-side door. The door slammed shut, and the nightmare was over...

      ...For now.


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