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Ross Pov.

My name isn't that important, Most of the girls here were calling me daddy anyways. But if you still want to know it, the name's Ross Shor Lynch.

I was 18 years old and I was in high school. High school life was so nice, lots of hot, skinny girls and you could be the captain of so many teams.

Like me, i was the captain of the football team and my best friend was captain of the boxteam. Some people were scared of us. But i was not brutally or something. At least not when you were friendly to me.

I just liked sex. it's pretty simple actually. High school life meant also many bitches, that was a good thing. You just got to scream you wanted to have sex and tons of girls would volunteer. provided that you're hot.

God was nice to me in that fact. He created me like that. I had got nice abs and much other good things.

But with that hair it was easy to get the girls, you know? they needed something to play with by making out. A huge turn on.

Yeah that was me.


I was standing on my locker as i heard a girl voice behind me, "Rossy..?" a girl with long brown hair said innocent but I already knew what she wanted.

"Look, Babe. I can't today. Maybe on monday im free again. And if you cant wait till then, there are lots of other boys who'd like to fuck you." I answered while closing my locker and walking away.

She looked after me, and i smirked because i knew. Its not like I didnt want to fuck this girl, i just couldn't today. My stupid family was taking us to our grandparents over the weekend.

If youre asking yourself who 'us' is. I meant my siblings and me. There were Riker, Rydel, Rocky, Ryland and me. Ryland was the youngest of us, but he was living with 3 bad boys and just 1 nerdy girl. So you can guess in what he was turning.

"Jake!" I said, ran up to him and we made our handshake.

"yo, Lynch. Already looking forward to be at your grandparents this weekend instead of this party?" He teased me, smirking.

"Oh yeah, I can't imagine something better than smelling old people scent those 3 days." I rolled my eyes and we walked in our classroom.

"Did you hear we will become someone new in our class next week?" Jake asked as we sat down on our places.

I shook my head, "No, I didn't. but I actually dont really care. If its a hot girl, we will get her in bed. If its an ugly girl or boy, we will tell her or him mean things and if its a cool boy, we could learn him to be like us."

Jake nodded, "true that."

first chapter, yay :)
I deleted the other story cause i just couldnt write it. dont know why. but im hoping this one will work better.

so this was the first chapter, it's not pretty interesting yet. but just wait ❤️ what ya thinking bout it?
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Ross. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora