"Why is Kendrick Lamar here?"

Start from the beginning

"Yes you have."

"No...I haven't."

"It's okay. I know you're kind of shy right now but eventually you're gonna have to show me that book of yours."


"How many boyfriends did you have in high school anyway?" Dario asked Miciah.

"Just four."

Dario raised his eyebrows.

"Only four? Mami, what were you doing those four years of your life?"

"Studying to get myself where I am today?"

He chuckled.

"What about you? How many girlfriends?"

"I wouldn't consider them girlfriends. I never did. Putting a name on it always ruined the fun. I'm not into being exclusive."

"You weren't?"


"As in you're not now?"

"Yeah. That's something I've been meaning to tell you. You and me got something going on. I like that. Now I'm not saying I want this to be the whole we hang out like a couple while I go screw other girls type of shit. No. Not at all. But if this turns into something-"

"You don't wanna call it anything."



"Really? You actually chill about this?"

"Yeah...no big deal."

Miciah told herself that it was no big deal and that she didn't mind.

But she felt a feeling in her stomach.

Not a good one.

The one that you get when your friend asks you to slide your test over to them so they could copy and you don't wanna look like a teachers pet.

But when she felt Dario gently place his lips on hers, she thought it'd all be worth it.

She even thought she could maybe change him.


"What are we cooking again?" Randy asked Annick.

"We're cooking chicken." Annick answered.

"What's the oil for?"

"We're frying it." She answered flatly.

"Oh...you know how to do that?"

"Yes Randy, my mom taught me." Annick giggled.


Randy, being Annick's assistant, obeyed her orders.

He would grab something on the shelf if she couldn't reach, find stuff that she couldn't find, or check on something cooking if she was preoccupied.

At the moment, he was mashing potatoes in a bowl like she had asked until he heard her curse loudly.

"What's wrong?" He asked rushing to her.

"I burnt it." She said.

He eyed the chicken.

The stove was turned off and the chicken had a few darker spots.

"It's barely burnt." He laughed.

She crossed her arms.

"It's not funny." She whined.

"I don't care if it's just a little burnt. My mom taught me that no matter how little you burn it you're not supposed to burn or else people aren't gonna wanna eat it-"

As she rambled on, Randy tried to figure out a way to shut her up.

When he snapped out of it, Annick was still rambling but tearing up as well.

He leaned down and presses his lips against hers.

Annick was caught off guard of course but gave in within seconds.

"I smell foo-oh shit."

Startled, the two pulled away to find Miciah smirking in the doorway.

"Y'all are cute but...not in the kitchen." She said walking away.

Annick turned to Randy.

"Was that just to shut me up?" She asked, blushing.

"Partly." He said, smiling down at her.

"I like you." She suddenly said.

His smile grew.

"I like you." He responded.

She eyed the barely burnt chicken and rolled her eyes at herself.

"I'm overdramatic." She sighed.

Randy gently cupped her cheek and leaned down to kiss her which she gave into for a second before pulling away.

"Now go back to mashing those potatoes, I have people to feed."

Everyone was seated at the table with very little conversation made.

But the whole table noticed when Dario slowly took a bite of his chicken nodding at he chewed.

"What are you doing?" James asked, weirded out by his friends behavior.

"I'm observing....it's kind of burnt."

All the girls turned to Annick to see if she's snap or not.

"I'll let that slide since I'm in a good mood." She said calmly.

Miciah smirked.

"Yep...she's in a good mood."

"Why's she in a good mood?" Dario asked.

"Cause' her and Randy kissed." Miciah cooed.

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