The methods of me getting them back are underhanded and the mere idea of hurting either one of them is painful, but I need them in my life to feel complete.

Making up my mind I step out of my car and walk over to the gate of the beautifully painted colonial style house, I stop for a bit to admire its homey inviting presence. After my perusal I open then close the small gate stepping inside the neat landscape of his yard, taking a deep breath I walk up the five stairs, stopping in front of the door, hesitating before pressing the button of the doorbell, first ring, nothing, second ring, nothing as I lift my hand for the third ring the door opens and he is standing in front of me all delicious and ready to be eaten.

I cannot deny I am angry that he has not even deem it fit to answer my calls, call me back or even answer any of my messages, but that is not important right now, what is important is me getting them out of this house and into mine and that may not be important at the moment either because all my mind is fill with are erotic images of me kissing his pouty lips into submission.

Gods. He looks good even with the little sheen of sweat on his face running down his neck, I want so badly to trail after it, down his neck and lap up the pearl of sweat before is disappears under his t-shirt. Even casually dress in an oversize navy t-shirt and some black leggings make my mouth water and my c*ck stand at attention. But what has me speechless is that the oversize t-shirt he is wearing is mine, well it used to be mine five years ago, it was a shirt I gave him to wear one day after I had torn off all his clothes in haste to make love to his sweet body. I had loved the way it fitted him, so much so that I always insisted on him wearing it or one of my other shirt when he was with me.

For him to still be wearing it after all these years has a surge of possessiveness running through me as a blaze of primal lust takes a hold of my body, all I want to do right now is pull him flush against my body, into my arms then drag him off to the nearest bed where I can take him in every and any way possible before I would even allow him to move or rest.

Gods how I want him!!!

He doesn't even know what he is doing to me, my c*ck is so hard right now I can drill holes through concrete and that is not even half of what it can do to get to him. I knew that I was going to want him when I saw him again, but nothing could have prepared me for the smoldering lust running through my being like molten lava, its downright criminal the effect this man has over me, with one snap of his finger he could make me beg if he wanted to, thankfully he doesn't know it, I have no doubt he would use it if he even has an inkling as to what he can make me do.

As he stares up at me with anger he run his small tongue over his plump lower lip unconsciously as he always do when he is angry, but my mind is not on his anger, rather my eyes is on that small organ as it slides over his lip leaving a wet trail in its wake, my mind immediately begins to conjure up all kind and type of erotic images to go along with his action and let me tell you none of what is coming up is rated PG13 rather it was all rated M for mature and rated P for private.

His little action is constant and I nearly groan as he did it again, I swear my c*ck leaked out nearly a gallon of pre-cum when he flick his small pink tongue against his top lip to then begin to bite the corner of his bottom lip. F*ck me!! I want to rip all his clothes off and take him right here on his front porch for all to see, my mouth salivates at the thought of publicly claiming him as mine, I know if I do it he will retaliate violently, but I would definitely be worth it.

WILL YOU FORGIVE (ManxMan/MPreg.)Where stories live. Discover now