Ch 27

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Between her helmet, and her bandanna, the only thing I can see are Nikki's stormy, blue eyes.

I don't know what it is about her; we barely know each other, but for some reason, I trust her.

I don't really know where this night is going, or where she's taking me, but wherever it is, I get the sense that I'll like it.

So I look to her hand, and I take it, answering, "Ready."

It takes just over half an hour for us to get to our destination, and when we do, I take a look around, and I realize that Nikki's taken me to Santa Monica pier.

As we slow down into the parking lot, I notice that there are tons of people milling about, and it hits me that the Twilight Concerts are on.

Even though I've been in LA for some time now, I've never really had the time, or the chance to go to the event, and I find myself pleasantly surprised.

The bike rolls to a stop, and when Nikki leans it over on its stand, I take my helmet off and shake my hair out.

I swing my leg over, and get off, feeling solid ground under my feet again.

Now that we've stopped moving, I find that I'm actually missing the feeling of the wind rushing through my face.

I know I spent the first five minutes holding on for my life, but the rest of the ride, proved to be exhilarating.

I still have a huge grin, plastered onto my face, as I look up at the darkening sky.

I hear a chuckle from Nikki, and I turn, just as she lowers her bandanna, and takes her helmet off.

With one boot still propped up on a footpeg, she runs her her hands through her hair, and I kinda just stand there and stare.

She notices, and I look away quickly, seeing her get off her bike from my peripheral.

Nikki walks over, and grabs the helmet out of my hands, and locks it onto her motorcycle, alongside hers.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?"

Her eyes hold mine, and I look away again, slipping off her jacket, and handing it over with a laugh. "Actually, that was super fun. A lot more, than I expected."

She takes her jacket back, and puts it on, saying, "If you wanna learn how to ride, I can teach you. But lesson one's gonna have to be, how not to strangle your driver."

My jaw drops from her little dig, and I decide to land a light slap on her arm.

She laughs it off, changing the subject, "So, a friend of mine is actually playing with his band tonight, so if you don't mind, we can swing by and say hey, and then we can grab something to eat?"

I nod, and follow her through the entrance.

With this many people around, and without the rest of the girls making us easily recognizable, the feeling of just being another random face in the crowd, is actually refreshing.

Everywhere I turn, there are random stalls, and colourful people roaming about; drinking, eating, laughing, and basically having a great time.

The atmosphere is infectious, and I find myself loosening up with ease.

As we walk, the crowd begins to thicken, and I start to have trouble keeping up. But just as I think that I'm about to lose Nikki, I feel her grab hold of my hand.

I can feel my body tense up, because my hand in hers, feels foreign.

They feel a little rough, and callused, musician's hands; and a part of me can't help but compare them to the softness of Lauren's.

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