Ch 20

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But I take that momentary affection, and the envelope that caused it, and I toss it into my kitchen sink without giving it another glance.

I let my anger settle into the hole Lauren plucked my heart from, and turn off all the lights as I head upstairs.

If she thinks writing me a letter is going to get me back, she's gonna have to try a whole hell of a lot harder.

I wake up the next day, and the last thing on my mind before falling asleep was the letter Lauren slid under my door.

It's also the first thing I think about this morning, as soon as I rub the sleep from my eyes; but stubbornly, I avoid my kitchen for the better part of the morning.

Lauren's letter can stay in that cold, damp sink, for all I care.

I get dressed and head out to pick up some groceries, because my plans of living under a rock over the next month require at least some form of nourishment.

When I get back home a few hours later, my phone buzzes, and it's Dinah.

Dinah: Milaaa, Ally and I r having a spa day, come with? 💅💆

I consider it for a moment, but decide against it.

Me: u guys have fun, I already made plans with some friends

Dinah: LAME 👎👎👎👎👎 chandler n joey don't count

Me: 🙀🙀 blasphemy!!!
Me: 💏 luv u too. hang tomorrow k?

I set my phone down and start putting the groceries away.

The entire time, I'm very much aware of the white envelope sitting in the basin of my sink, and it becomes harder and harder to ignore its damn presence.

What the hell, who writes letters these days, anyway?

Sure, it's kinda, sorta, maybe, a little bit romantic, and this type of random, sweet act, totally has 'Lauren' stamped all over it...


I'm not reading the stupid thing, end of story.

I talk myself out of it this time, but somewhere between the pizza I order, and probably the tenth episode in, I finally haul myself off the couch, to get something to drink.

As soon I'm in view of my door, my gaze catches on another envelope just laying there on my floor.

My eyes drift back to my sink automatically, which is silly, because letters don't just crawl up and out of things and plop themselves elsewhere.

It takes a heartbeat for me to get into motion, and I'm upon my door and looking through the peephole in record time.

But nobody's there; Lauren's not there.

I feel disappointed first, then foolish second; then bringing up the rear, comes hopeless.

Leaning back up against my door, I sigh heavily.

I can't even admit it to myself, but I miss her.

So fucking much.

I bite my lip, and scoop up Lauren's second letter, letting my eyes trace over the graceful  lines of her handwriting.

Out of curiosity, I bring it up to my nose, and my eyes close immediately at its familiar scent.

It even smells like her.

Fuck, Lo, that's sooo evil.

With a frustrated grunt, I toss the letter onto my kitchen counter, then I hesitate for two seconds, before grabbing the first one out of the sink, so I can stack the two of them together.

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