Ch 6

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I cradle her face between my hands, and I kiss her slowly, softly.

And it feels like forever.

But there's no such thing as forever. It exists only in fairy tales and love songs, etched into tree trunks, and scratched onto bathroom stalls.

Lauren doesn't kiss me back.

She's pulling away, like my lips slapped her, like my touch burned her.

She gets up, and says something like 'see you later', but I can't really be sure, because there's a ringing in my ear. Like when you leave a concert, and everything sounds muted.

I'm kind of in shock.

I don't know what just happened. I didn't really know what to expect. I wasn't thinking when I kissed her.

A part of me is offended, because she could've at least given in just a little bit, because anger is easier than sadness, and it's what's carried me through to this point.

I somehow find my feet, and I head inside in a daze.

Ally looks up from the counter, and she's got that look in her eyes that makes me want to run into her arms and cry.

But I don't.

I look around, and I wonder where Dinah and Normani went off to.

Ally notices my questioning look and says, "They're, uhh, in your room."

I nod, but there's something about the way Ally's now trying to busy herself in the kitchen that makes me a little suspicious. Everything appears to be in order in my apartment though.

I'm kinda waiting for Ally to actually ask me what happened between Lauren and I, but she doesn't. I'm relieved, because I'm not sure I even want to talk about it, ever.

Rejection's a little hard to swallow, and my insecurities just took a beating this morning. The last thing I want is to re-live the moment.

I sigh loudly, and tell her that I'm gonna have a shower to wake myself up.

Before I even take another step, Ally's shaking a box of Captain Crunch at me like I'm a cat, to get my attention.

"Hey, why don't you have breakfast first?" Ally's voice is a little more high-pitched and sunnier, compared to two seconds ago. This is when I notice the bags under her eyes, like she pulled an all-nighter.

Now I'm more than just a little suspicious, but that box of cereal in her hand is almost tempting, and my tummy's responding positively.

Ally sees me eyeing the box, and she pulls out one of the bar stools on the counter. "How about you sit down, and have some fresh coffee, and I'll go upstairs, and draw you a bath."

I purse my lips, and my eyes narrow. My bullshit meter just went off the charts.

Ally starts to fidget, and there's a nervous crack in her expression.

"Ally..." I start, but I don't wait for her to answer.

I make my way to the stairs, and I can see the panic in Ally's saintly eyes. She kinda tries to block my way, but I side-step around her and her short little legs.

I'm not really sure what to expect when I open my bedroom door, but I'm sure that even if I thought about it for a long time, I would never have come up with this result.

My room is trashed.

There are bottles everywhere, and half-empty cups, and a half-eaten cake on top of my dresser. I wonder if they ended up inviting the entire floor, because there's no way three girls can make this much mess overnight.

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