Ch 12

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WARNING: Steaminess ahead (not explicit, don't be disappointed now 😋)


Lauren's finally here with me again, and the world feels right again.

But that tiny voice in my head, is drifting in and out of my consciousness.

It's not the same; this doesn't feel the same.

I push that voice away, back to its corner, where it belongs.

Lauren's everything I want, and everything I'll need.

A few hours later, I get a text from Dinah, who's coordinating a night out with the girls to have a 'camren is back, betches' get-together.

The message makes me laugh, and I show it to Lauren, who smirks, and takes out her own phone.

She pulls me in by the shoulder, and angles her phone up to take a selfie.

I make a silly face, and so does she, and she snaps the photo to freeze this moment in time.

It warms my heart, and I turn to look at her perfect face, and before I know it, the shutter goes off again, and Lauren captures a photo of me gazing at her with stars in my eyes.

"Hey! Not fair!" I complain, because I feel a little embarrassed, and she pinches me on the cheek, before laying a kiss on my nose.

"Cute," she says, and I melt immediately, because I'm a sucker for any show of affection she gives me.

I watch, beside her, as she brings the Instagram app up, and consults with me on what filter to use on the first picture she snapped.

We agree on one quickly, and when she starts typing out what I think she's about to type, I start to feel tingling in my tummy.

laurenjauregui #camren lern n camz, keepin it real yo @camila_cabello

Lauren turns to me, waiting for my approval.

I don't know why, but it makes me a little nervous. It's just a selfie; but it feels more like some big declaration or something.

I just nod quickly anyway, before I change my mind, and Lauren taps on post, a second after.

We both kinda just sit there, staring at her phone, fully knowing that we are just about to get an avalanche of notifications.

Lauren proceeds to turn her phone to silent, then does the same for mine, and says, "So...our phones are gonna be blowing up any second now, so I was thinking--"

I grin and stop her there, as I climb on top of her on the couch, totally interrupting whatever she was planning on saying, "You read my mind..."

Lauren smiles back at me suspiciously, and I know right away that this isn't exactly what she had in mind, but that's okay, because the least I can do is try to be as convincing as possible, right?

So I start off innocently, placing a couple of chaste pecks on her lips, just to warm her up.

I know we only reconciled last night, but she can't resist me forever.

She giggles through them at first, but I can tell that she's starting to get anxious again.

It bothers me a bit. Is she really that concerned about getting intimate again?

I know she wants me, I can tell just by the way she looks at me, so what's wrong?

I push away my doubts and insecurities, because that's so not sexy, and I need to put my seduction skills to work.

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