"I'm calm, I'm cool, I'm chill"

Start from the beginning

I rubbed my arm. "Music teacher." I corrected.

She smiled. "I'm sorry, I was just nervous at who'd walk through the door."

"Well now that you know it's me maybe we can talk like normal adults."

Annick looked around. "Okay let's restart."

I put my hand out and she stopped me.

"Wait turn around, and I'll turn too then we just act as strangers."

"Are you serious?" I face palmed.

She smiled.

"Okay." I began.


"Two." She finished.


"Hi I'm Randy nice to meet such a pretty lady like you." I said.

Annick covered her face. "oh god." I tried removing her hands.

"Lucky, guess your name is Annick?"

She rolled her eyes.

"You're terrible at this." She laughed.

Miciah POV

"So are you like Mexican or something?" I said while folding my clothing.

There was complete silence.


"I'm Dominican Mami." Dario said.

I covered my mouth. "I'm sorry, so um-"

He laughed.

"Maybe I should just stick to the conversation making."

I nodded.

"Uh yea, sure."

Dario frowned a little. "Are you okay?"

I looked up. "Yea I'm just trying to think of what to say."

Dario rubbed his forehead and began dancing.

"Leave it up to me."

I pointed at the suit case.

"Watch out Chico."

His eyes lighted up.

"You speak Spanish?"

I laughed.


He rolled his eyes then grinned while dancing.

"You take dance classes or something?" I implied while stacking my shoes on the shelves.

He shook his head.

"No I just move by the motivation of this gorgeous woman standing in front of me."

His foot went back by the suitcase and he fell on top of it.

I held my giggles in while trying to help him up but the sound of Daysia's scream startled me.

I dropped him and ran towards the door.

Dario following behind.

Daysia POV

"Is that what we do now, we don't knock on bathrooms or atleast bedroom doors?" I said while holding my towel up.

The Asian guy just stood in shock. I rolled my eyes. "Hello?"

"Woman you had your music blasting, even if I knocked you wouldn't have heard me." He said while placing his things on the burgundy bed.

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