Chapter 22- Solitude

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Prepare yourself for a really weird chapter you might get confused


Chapter 22-

Bright white lights. The world feels sterile. I can't seem to find my lungs. Everything seems blank, like a slate's been cleaned. I feel empty. There's nothing. Where am I? Who am I? What is this place?

"You're in Solitude." A voice speaks, their voice loud deep and clear. I feel comforted but scared at the same time.

"W-what's solitude? Who are you? Why can't I feel? Where's my body?" I ask finding my voice.

"Here, let me help you." I can suddenly feel my body. I wiggle my fingers and stretch my body.

"Why can't I see you?" I ask.

"Would it make you feel more comfortable to see me as human?" They ask.

"Please." I say. A tall man, about 6 feet tall with a pristine white robe and a long gray beard stands before me. He gives off a warm grandfather like feeling.

"Now I can answer your questions. Your name is Aileen Marissa Payne. You are 14 years old, 15 in three weeks time. You've lived most of your life alone. You're an only child but you have 3 half-siblings. You feel as if no one has ever loved you and you died last night." He recites as if my memories are his. My body feels cold.

"I-I-I'm dead?" I can hardly say the question. I'm dead.

"Yes. You were murdered by Mark Tanner. A widely known serial killer. You had severe brain damage in your occipital lobe, which controls sight, and were nearly bled out completely by the time the police got you to the hospital. Your leg was also broken but that's the least of your worries." He states.

"But how? I have a body I can feel me." I say.

"This is your spirit, your soul. You're temporarily disconnected from your body. Down on earth you're dead to everyone." He tells.

"Am I in heaven? Are you god? Are you going to judge me now?" I ask shaking.

"No, this is Solitude. I am not god, but one of his messengers. An angel that works here." He says.

"You keep saying this is Solitude. What is Solitude?" I wonder.

"Solitude is where souls go after death. Not all souls though. Souls that have no chance to survive again go to Purgatory. Solitude is where souls come when they have a choice." He explains.

"A choice? What's my choice?" I ask.

"Well you can choose to die right now and go straight to heaven, or you can return to earth blind in your left eye and live a happy life with your family for many more years." He says. Happy life, yeah more like being bullied and hated by everyone. It would be so much easier to just go and move on. Heaven sounds welcoming.

"After everything you've been through, I don't believe it would be fair for your life to be harsh after this. Your life will not be the same." He adds. I think about mom. Dad. Brent. Nalise. Andrew. Tara. Emily. Allison. Would all the rude people be nice? He seems to say so. What if I chose to die? How would my parents feel? I can't do that to them.

"I want to live." I decide.

"Enjoy your life, Aileen Payne." I feel myself falling, solitude is falling apart. I am falling. Theres nothing to hold onto. I'm falling, falling, falling....


Ok so she chose to live! There's only going to be one more chapter and then an epilogue and this story is done!

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