Chapter 17- Bullies

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Chapter 17-

Brent POV:

Being shoved and kicked was normal for me. I just lay low and avoid them. Except when they catch me. Then I grit my teeth and wait until it's over. Today something was off though. I notice it when I see Allison, Courtney and Jenna walk by.

"Did you hear?" Courtney asks.

"What?" Allison wonders.

"The ugly wombat ran away." Courtney snickers. I can tell who they're talking about. Aileen. She ran away. She's gone. I feel a hole inside me. She was really the only friend I've ever had besides Allison, who ditched me in order to become popular, and Justin who used to be a really good friend of mine until I became a bullying target and too dangerous to be around. I wasn't alone with Aileen. She was really a kind hearted caring girl too. Unlike anyone I've ever met. They drove her away.

"Thank god. I'm glad I don't have to lay eyes on her ever again." Allison smirks. Yet they keep making fun of her.

"She's probably miles away by now." Courtney says.

"As if that bone bag can even run without breaking her legs." Jenna rolls her eyes.

"I hope she gets kidnapped." Courtney says. How do you wish something like that on someone?

"I hope they abuse her and when they find her she's just a lifeless bruised body." Allison laughs. They all laugh. Mocking someone who was a million times better than them. I'd had it with their rude comments. Before I know what's happening I'm right in front front of Allison punching her in the jaw with strength I never knew I had.

"You think this is funny? An abused girl?" I scream shoving her hard to the ground. I kick her head into a locker, "You think it's funny now?" No response, "Huh!" I yell kicking her again.

"All of you! Who never stood up for anyone! Not one person who has been bullied in this school! And trust me, there's been a lot. I can name a few who have committed suicide! None of you ever took a second to stop what's happening! You're no better than her!" I yell pointing to Allison, who is being surrounded by her friends and she cries, "Than me." I say, now noticing that I myself have bullied.

"Mr. Alden!" I hear a deep voice yell. I turn my head to notice no other than the principal of the school, "My office now! Bullying is a serious offense that will not be taken lightly! You could just as well go to jail!" He shouts roughly grabbing my arm and shoving me down the hall.

"Go. I'll meet with you to discuss your punishment after I make sure this young lady is ok." He says going to Allison. I don't sulk or slouch on my way to the office. I just kind of glare at everyone as I walk past. I search for any feeling of sorrow. Funny, I don't feel the least bit sorry.


Idk about this chapter just showing what's going on at the school. Next chapter will be back to Aileen's POV.

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