Chapter 10- Reminders

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Short chapter :/


Chapter 10-

'Shoot me down, but I won't fall, I am titanium'

I lay in my bed, my head at the bottom drowning out any memories of earlier with the song 'Titanium' by David Guetta on the ipod my dad had gotten me. I don't want to remember anything that happened at school. Why couldn't I have just laid low? Scampering down the hallways like a mouse avoiding trouble. Why did I even think I could go up to the most popular kids in school and talk to them? I can't. It's the truth. I'm not strong enough. How did I think meeting my parents and getting a new home would make me a new person? In reality I am still an underweight scrawny weak pale child. A child that grew up too fast without love. Things will never look up for me. I don't know how I think it could. Maybe I should go back to the streets. It's so much easier. No one to worry about but me....

"Peasant its dinnertime." Tara yells knocking on my door. I pause the song and put my iPod down going to the door. I open it and she's not there. I don't really want to see her anyway. I don't want to see someone who hate me with their entire heart and soul. I walk down the stairs and go straight to the dinner table. I eat silently and shoo off any attempts at conversation.

"So how was school?" Dad asks trying again to get me to talk.

"Good." I lie. I lied. I lied......

"What happened? How were your teachers? The classes?" He asks.

"Oh nothing really. My teachers were nice, the classes were fair." I neutrally say.

"Did you make any friends?" My mom asks.

"Yeah," I hesitate before going further, "Loads."

"That's wonderful!" She cheers.

"Yeah. They accepted me right into the popular group." That was the biggest lie said today.

"You in the popular group?" Tara laughs.

"Its not impossible." I tell her.

"For a person like you." She says.

"And what exactly is wrong with a person like me?" I ask, a threatening tone in my voice.

"Whats not? You're a dirty smelly hobo with no fashion sense and no friends you are completely lying all you are is a loser and noth-" I won't let her finish that word with all the painful memories held behind it. I stand up quickly. She follows my lead.

"All right now, sit down kids." Dad says. Tara obediently sits.

"I'm not hungry." I state pushing my plate forwards and running back up the stairs. I lock myself in my bathroom and pull up my sleeve staring at my arm and my scar. A constant reminder of what I am and always will be. Nothing. I believe it. Standing, I walk out of the bathroom and cover myself in my blanket not bothering to change.


Every painful memory ever surges through my mind playing over and over in my nightmares. My dream conveys it in such a way that makes me chill to the bone. Josephine's hot curling iron slapping against my face, making it sear with a new kind of pain I had forgotten about. The twisted smile on Mark's face as he carves the word over and over making the scar feel new again. The enhanced image of vibrant red blood seeping out of my arm and dripping in a large puddle to the floor. The sharp harsh winds wiping against my body, my thin clothes ail no protection. The hard concrete on my spine as I try to sleep awaiting another painful day, or not one at all. The horrible experience of my first day in middle school. The pound of my body as I hit the ground sending the reminder of the force that had hit me. They never end.


I don't think I've ever described like that before.... Should I start dedicating chapters???

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