“Kenny, watch your language!” mum gasped. She wasn’t the only one shocked at his outburst. he wasn’t the type to swear never mind raise his voice.

“I’ll say what I fucking want because last time I checked; you’re not my fucking mother.”

What is going on here? Is that what they wanted to tell me? That Kenny was adopted?

“Mum what does he mean?” I asked just to clarify. As much as I hated to admit it; this was turning into a Jerry springer moment.

“She’s not your mother either. They’ve both being lying to us our whole lives!”

“Kenny that’s enough!” dad roared getting increasingly angry by the second.

“Am I going to have to tell him or are you going to grow some balls and tell him yourself?” Kenny challenged, ignoring dad’s demand.

“I don’t care who it is but can somebody please tell me what’s going on?” I yelled in frustration.

Why are they hiding things from me?

I looked at mum and dad for assistance but they wouldn’t meet my eye instead they chose to just look at each other in the hope that the other one will cave and end up telling me instead. Their little beat down went on for a while until mum sighed and started talking.

“Nathan, we haven’t been very honest with you and Kenny.”

“Obviously,” Kenny muttered, earning a glare from dad.

“What I’m trying to say is that Nathan-“she gasped.” Oh Mark I can’t do it”

“Oh for the love of God woman, just say it!” I wanted to scream out but I resisted the urge and instead opted to put my hand over mum’s giving her a tight squeeze of courage.

“What your mother’s trying to say, Nathan, is that we’re not your real parents and Kenny is only Kalin’s step-son,” dad said stepping in for mum.

All this information. I couldn’t take it in. I wouldn’t take it in. questions swam in my head and I begged to God that this was a dream. This can’t be real.

“w-w-what do you mean you’re not my parents?” I managed to choke out ad I fought the tears.

“I’m so sorry,” mum sobbed.

I looked at my hand on hers and it suddenly felt wrong. This woman was nothing to me. Just a stranger. I quickly pulled back my hand from hers ignoring the pained look that took over her face.

How could she think sorry would be enough. Sorry would never be enough. She could say it over and over and over and it still wouldn’t make up for the fact that she lied to me.

All these years I’d called her mum. Why hadn’t she ever told me? If she’d told me earlier I would have accepted it but sixteen years of lies? It was just too much.

Suddenly everything felt wrong. This house, my so called parents and Kenny. They were all strange to me. I felt nothing for them but emptiness.

“You knew about this didn’t you,” hissed at Kenny. “You knew all these years and yet you didn’t say shit?”

“Nathan, language!” Mark barked at me but I didn’t even acknowledge it. His words meant nothing to me.

“Don’t say shit you don’t know,” Kenny sneered. “I didn’t know anything about this so don’t chat shit. You’re not the only one that’s hurting you know. Do you think I love knowing that I don’t know who my mother is?”

I had nothing to say back to that.

“Can we please discuss this as adults?” dad sighed rubbing his temples.

Adults huh? I didn’t know adults kept secrets. I thought secrets were for immature teenagers not for a so called family!

“I have nothing to say to any of you,” I muttered, each word dripping with poison.

I was about to stand up and leave the table but Kalin grabbed my hand before I could leave.

“Nathan please,” she whispered, tears falling down her face.

This woman. The woman I had called mum all my life. As much as I wanted to hate her and pretend she didn’t exist I couldn’t. Whether I liked it or not she had brought me up and she’d done a good job of it too. Seeing her cry was painful to me.

Defeated, I sat back down and put my head in my hands as breathed deeply. Why does my life have to be so complicated?

Sighing I looked back up at them. There was still one thing I needed to know.

“Who are my parents?”

<<oooooh, this is some good stuff if I say so myself. So what did you think? Did it shock any of you? It probably didn’t but maybe one person out there was going “oh shit, I did not see that coming.” I rewrote this twice because I just couldn’t settle on what I wanted to happen so I hope this is alright. Leave your comments below telling me what you thought of it and as always don’t forget to vote and share.

Alright, I love you guys, bye <3

 *please forgive me for that awful description. It never really was my strong point…>>

Hold OnNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ