Chapter 31

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Two Months Later


Words couldn't describe how I felt that fateful morning at two a.m. when Luke called me. His words were separated into choppy sentences, unable to be comprehended by my brain.

"Michael- building collapsed- not good- come to San Francisco- need- get here ASAP."

I immediately hung up the phone and began to throw clothes into my suitcase. I changed into a pair of leggings and a hoodie and threw my hair into a bun. I grabbed some stuff for Daniel and called Michael's mum.

"Karen, did Luke tell you-"

"Yes. I'm on my way to the airport right now. I'll see you there," she said before I could finish.

"Daniel, wake up," I said, shaking my son's shoulder.

I tried to get him up while simultaneously fighting off the tears. He whined in response.

"Come on, baby. You need to get up. We have to see Daddy," I said and tried sitting him up.

"Daddy?" He said sleepily.

"Yeah. Come one," I said, slipping a shirt on over his head and putting him in some sweatpants.

I dragged the suitcase down the stairs with one hand and Daniel in the other. I got to the car as fast as I could and put Daniel in his car seat before sitting in the front. I took a deep breath to try and calm myself down. Once my heart rate was back to normal, I turned on the car and drove to the airport.


Karen held Daniel as the plane began to take off. My hands gripped the armrests on either side of me.

I'd only been on an airplane once when Dad took us on a family vacation to Italy, which turned out to be a business trip. We were using a plane from the guy's management since the trip was on such short notice.

"Relax, Sammy. It'll be okay. Michael's in surgery as we speak," Karen said.

"That's not all that I'm worrying about right now," I said.

"Then what is it? We've got a fourteen-hour flight ahead of us. Don't worry about taking too long," she said.

I told her everything I'd been thinking about since I found out the guys were going on tour. Michael being away for a long time and missing out on Daniel growing up, something happening to him, Daniel growing up without a father, raising him on his own. Just everything.

I droned on for about an hour or two before slumping back in my seat. I took a deep breath and felt a weight being lifted off my shoulder.

"Samantha, you don't need to worry about any of that. Daniel will always have his father no matter the circumstances, and you won't have to raise him on your own. It'll be alright," she said.

And not only for Michael and Daniel's sake but for mine as well, I hoped she was right.


The next twelve hours were the longest, most nerve-wracking hours of my life. I kept expecting Luke to call and tell me it was too late, that Michael died before I could see him.

My hands were shaking as I called a taxi to pick us up from the airport, so Karen took the phone from me. I sent her a grateful smile and held onto one of Daniel's hands. We made our way outside. The cab got there in no time, and we quickly put our things in the trunk before driving to the hospital.

"Mummy?" Daniel asked.

"Yes, sweetheart?" I said.

"We go see Daddy?" He asked.

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