Chapter 23

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2 Months Later

Today, I lost one of my friends and found out the gender of the baby.



I walked into school and said goodbye to Luke before heading to the newspaper room. I was wearing a tank top under my unbuttoned flannel, so my stomach popped out just the smallest bit. People stared at me and whispered when I walked by. I just simply ignored them and kept walking.

"Slut," a girl whispered.

I went over, grabbed her by the hair, and kicked behind her knees. She fell to the floor as I still clung to her obviously dyed strawberry blond hair.

"Call me that again and I will make sure you never walk," I said and continued on my way.

Everyone was talking when I walked into the newspaper room and stopped when they saw me. They gave me nervous smiles.

"Hey, guys. What's going on?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just looking at the new edition we published yesterday," Scott said.

"Really? Let me see," I said.

"Um, no. It's fine. There's nothing interesting," he said.

"Scott, give me the damn newspaper," I demanded.

He hesitated before reluctantly giving it to me. I looked at the headline.

Samantha Evans Pregnant

I looked up at my newspaper crew and they gave me sympathetic looks. I read on.

Our very own Samantha Evans is pregnant with Michael Clifford's baby. Or is it Luke's?

I stumbled, and one of the girls caught me. I stared at the paper, not knowing what to do. I looked up as someone else walked in. It was Chase.

"Hey, guys. Sam," he said and nodded his head. 

I got up and started smacking him with the now rolled up newspaper.

"You fucking asshole! How dare you write this about me!" I yelled.

"You're the one who went and got yourself knocked up!" He yelled back. "I took you on a date and you friendzone me for some dickhead who abandoned you."

"At least he's doing something with his life. Now the whole school thinks I'm a slut."

"That's what happens when you decide to have a drunken mistake," he said and walked out.

My baby was not a mistake, but clearly being friends with Chase was. Our one date was followed up by nothing. Yeah, we hung out, but as friends. It meant nothing. 


Michael was waiting in the front of the building after school as usual. I stormed down the front steps and slammed the car door shut. 

"Rough day?" He asked.

"I fucking hate this place," I said.

"What happened?"

I told him about what Chase did. His eyes grew darker and he scowled. I looked out the window and saw Chase standing with Scott. A group of people made their way over to him.

"There he is now. Being praised by the whole damn school for being a dick," I said.

"Stay here," Michael said and got out of the car.

He took his hands out of his leather jacket pockets and balled them into fists. He shoved people out of the way until he got to Chase.

Michael grabbed him by the collar and shoved him against a car. He punched him in the face and that was the last thing I saw before people surrounded them completely.

Michael POV

More people crowded around as I threw punches at Chase. He lurched when I punched his stomach. I kneed him hard in the ribs.

"Do anything like that again to Sam, my Sam, and I will make sure you never have kids. You'll never know what it's like to be a father," I growled.

I turned around and pushed people out of my way. Sam was watching through the car window, smiling like she had won the Nobel Prize.

I got back in the car and sighed in relief. Sam gently placed her hand on mine.

"Thank you," she said.

"It was going to happen one way or another. No one hurts my girl and gets away with it," I said.

She smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I couldn't wait for this baby to be born so I could rub it in Chase's face.


I took Sam to her appointment from school I watched the screen as the doctor moved the wand over her stomach.

"Everything looks good. Your baby is very healthy. Would you like to know the sex?" 

"What're we having? A boy or a girl?" I asked.

"It's a boy. Congratulations!"

Sam looked over at me, happy tears filling her eyes.

"We're going to have a boy!" She said, smiling.

"I know, Sammy. I can't wait to meet our little boy."

Two faced Lover 》M.C.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ