Chapter 14

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Today, I began step two in my plan.



It was a Saturday and I had no homework for over the weekend, so I had plenty of time to bein the second part of my plan.

I had hauled up three cardboard boxes from the basement and started filling them up with things that reminded me of Michael. I looked through the pictures I had and put them in along with small photo albums my mom made of us. Wristbands from summer festivals and band bracelets followed.

I stopped when I picked up the final fragment left of Michael in my room. It was from when we got backstage passes to a Fall Out Boy concert two years ago.

We had saved up all our money for over a year to get those passes. Car washes, mowing lawns, and garage sales. It was worth it in the end when we bought the tickets and got to meet the whole band.

Maybe I could keep just this one. It couldn't hurt.

I placed the picture back in its place and shoved the boxes in the back of my closet.

I ran downstairs to get a quick snack and heard moans from the living room. I knew I was going to regret it, but I entered the room. Zoe was straddling Michael, their tongues battling for dominance. His hands were placed just below her butt, and she aggressively ran her fingers through his hair.

"Gross. Did you have to do that on the couch?" I said in disgust.

Michael pulled away from Zoe and turned to me. Guilt covered his face. Zoe grabbed his collar and pressed his lips to her again.

I ran upstairs before I saw anymore. I was scarred for life.


I ran downstairs and opened the door just as Luke was about to knock.

"Hey, guys! It's great to see you." I said and threw my arms around his neck.

"You just saw us yesterday," Ashton said.

"Feels like forever. Come on. Let's go to my room."

I felt Michael watching us as we headed upstairs. Calum immediately attacked the pizza that was on my bed.

"This is so good. I love you so much," he said.

"Are you talking to me or the pizza?" I asked.

"I love you both, but probably the pizza," Calum said.

"Wow. Thanks," I said.

"You're welcome," he said, sending me a cheeky grin.

I saw Luke glaring out of the corner of my eye. He smiled when I looked over at him. I took a bite of my apple and turned on the Xbox.

"Sammy, are you okay?" Luke asked.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"I don't know. Something seems off about you," he said.

"I'm fine. Honestly," I said.

"So you're not mad about Michael being here?" Calum asked.

"No. Why would I care that my ex best friend is downstairs probably making out with my sister on my couch?" I questioned.

"Ask the crushed apple in your hand," Ashton said.

I looked down and saw that he was right. My once round apple was now crumpled in my hand, juice dripping into the floor . I dropped it and covered my mouth with my hands.

"Oh my god. I swear I didn't- I wasn't-"

Luke grabbed my shoulders. "Sammy, it's okay."

"Guys, can I talk to Sam for a second?" Calum asked.

"Sure," Luke said.

Ashton and him left the room. Calum moved closer to me on the bed.

"You know I care about you and you can come to me for anything, right?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Then tell me what's wrong, because I know that our Sam would never just crush an apple like that for no reason."

"I can't," I said.

"Can't what?" He asked.

"I can't tell you what's wrong," I said.

"Sam, I'm one of your best friends and I'm trying to help. I can't do that if you won't tell m-"

"I can't tell you what's wrong because there is nothing wrong. I'm perfectly fine, okay? I don't know how or why I crushed that apple. It just happened," I said, getting frustrated.

"Look, if this is about Michael-"

"Why does everyone assume this is about Michael?" I said, raising my voice. "I don't love him anymore, remember? I don't care that he's dating my sister. Him and I are over. Our friendship no longer exists. Look around my room. See anything here that reminds you of Michael? No. That's because he no longer means anything to me. The sooner you get that through your head, the better!"

He sighed and stood up off my bed.

"I think I'm just gonna go. Call me when you realize that friends don't treat each other like shit when they're just trying to help," he said, leaving the room and slamming the door behind him.

I lied down on my bed and brought my pillow to my chest. I held onto it as I cried. My hot tears soaked the cotton material as they streamed down my face.

My door creaked open, and I made myself seem smaller.

"Sammy, Calum's leaving, and I'm his ride so-"

"Just go," I whispered to Ashton.

"What?" He said.

"Go. I wanna be alone," I said.

My door shut and footsteps receded. I let out a sob and continued to cry until my parents called me down for dinner. I sat at the table, rubbing at my eyes with my sleeve. My parents were too caught up in a conversation to notice.

I pushed my food around until my mom scolded me. Good to know that she'd still acknowledge my existence as long as I was doing something wrong.

After dinner, I went right upstairs to my room without helping clean up. For the first time ever, I fell asleep wishing that I never met Michael.

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