Chapter 22

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Today was the first ultrasound. Michael was very excited to go.



Michael was running around trying to get ready for the appointment. I just sat on the couch amused by his actions.

"What's so funny?" He asked when I started laughing.

"You. You're running around like it's a zombie apocalypse," I said.

"Why aren't you getting ready?" He asked.

"Is there a problem with this?" I pointed to my leggings and T-shirt.

"No. We gotta go if you don't wanna be late."

"Already am," I joked.

He gave me a quick peck on the lips and held my hand as we left. He stole a glance at me before looking back at the road.

"Are you excited?" He asked.

"I don't think I'll ever be as excited as you. But, yeah. I am excited. We get to see this little one who makes me sick every morning," I said and put my hand on my stomach.

"What do you think we'll have? A boy or a girl?" He asked.

"I want a boy. What about you?" I said.

"I would love to have a girl, but I'll love him or her either way. We're going to raise an awesome kid."


"Can you please lift your shirt? This is going to be cold at first," the doctor said after I sat down in the chair.

I lifted my shirt, and she rubbed the wand across my stomach. I flinched at the feeling of the cold gel.

"There's your baby," the doctor said and pointed to a little spot on the screen.

"There's the head. Here. Listen to this," she said and adjusted some buttons.

There was a steady thump. The sound of a heart beating.

"Michael, that's the heartbeat. That's our baby's heartbeat," I said as a tear of happiness fell from my eyes.

"I know, Sammy." He squeezed my hand.

The doctor gave me a paper towel to wipe the gel off my stomach, and I pulled my shirt back down.

"Your next appointment is in a few weeks. How many copies of the ultrasound do you want?" she asked.

"Four," I said.

"Four?" Michael asked.

"One for both of us, Zoe, and your parents," I said.

She printed out the pictures and gave them to us.

"Thank you," I said, and we left.


Michael called the guys and told them to come over when we got home. My phone started ringing, and Chase's profile picture popped up.

"Hey, Chase. What's up?" I answered.

"Did you finish editing that article I sent you?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'll email it to you," I told him.

Michael walked into the room and mouthed, 'Who are you talking to?'

'Hold on,' I mouthed back and held up one hand. I probably shouldn't have said what I said next, but I was too excited to show our friends the sonogram.

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