Acting like a dark skin?

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I laid in bed thinking about this show.

I've never been with anyone outside black.

Not that I didn't like other races, I just always felt comfortable with my own.

I lived with that strange feeling that other races were against me.

But these days it's our own race.

Poor Annick, I thought.

This guy didn't even choose to believe that someone of the same race was smart enough to be in law school.

Wasn't the first time.

Brazil once got a part in a movie turned down cause' they said that they could still tell she was black.

The movie was based off a novel about a black girl.

Daysia lost her boyfriend once to a girl much much lighter.

Everyone used to tell me that I was acting like a dark skin.

Acting like a dark skin?


Even though I was excited about this show I feared that these boys would straight up run out of the house when they saw what they were getting themselves into.

But I'm pretty sure John told them.



I sat on the edge of Brazil's bed as I watched her pack.

"Chill girl, we leave in three weeks."

"I wanna be prepared.

"So what do you think we'll find there?"

"What? You make them sound like candy or something. But you know, if they are, I'd like to get me some white chocolate." She said giving her hair a flip.

I laughed, falling back on her bed.

The door opened and Annick walked in.

"Hello lil' girl that the media is going to love." I teased.

She rolled her eyes and leaned on the wall.

"How are we gonna cope with camera men all up in our faces 24/7?"

"Yeah I asked John about that and instead of camera men, he's gonna have camera's installed." Brazil said.

"That's weird! What if I'm changing or something."

"They're mainly gonna be in more convenient places. If put in bedrooms or bathrooms, you simply get to just turn it off, turn it back on and the director will cut it out afterwards. But there will be camera men and security guards in the house, just in case they wanna do a close up on you, or if there's a catfight and someone needs to break it up."

"Nice." I said, impressed.

"What if they don' me?"

"Lil' girl, I can't imagine why any man wouldn't want you. If they don't all you gotta do is put on that skirt and they'll all come running." I said making the both of them laugh.

"We're gonna be just fine. All we gotta do is be ourselves."

"Shut your cheesy ass up." I said to Brazil.

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