That was, until you found yourself sitting at the kitchen table, your eyes locked with a positive sign on the pregnancy test you had bought after suspecting a reason to do so. Your hand was against your mouth and for some minutes, if not dozens, you had remained there in the same position, staring at the test that caused unbelievable stress to build up in you until it weighed not only your shoulders but your heart. You felt heavy, you felt hopeless and like a damn fool for sleeping with the man who was most definitely not daddy material.

  Well, not for a child, at least.

  Your trembling hands grabbed the pregnancy test, and you knitted your eyebrows together unhappily while shaking your head in disappointment. You were disappointed in yourself for being such an idiot and having freaking witch sex with a psychotic Parker. "Damn it, Y/N", you groaned to yourself, but forced yourself to stand up and started your way towards the front door. You knew you had to tell Kai, because whether he'd want to participate in raising a child with you or not, he deserved to know. You had learned that sometimes, little white lies didn't hurt anyone but when it was about something as big as this, you had to be honest with whoever was included.

  "Fuck this", you said, and threw away the test before pushing your hands in the pockets of your leather jacket and beginning your way to the Salvatore house where Kai had been hanging out lately. Kicking snow as you walked, you reminded yourself to never have unsafe sex again, especially if you were about to do it with a goddamn villain like Kai. You huffed while rolling your eyes at yourself, somehow struggling to process the fact that there was a baby growing inside of you after a single night with him.

  You had to admit, he was good. Good. And hot, too. Each smirk and look he gave to you, they were breath-taking and the feeling of his warm skin on yours was enough to send your heart out of your chest, boom through the ceiling and burst into tiny bits and pieces. He was an attractive, charming man indeed, but he was also dangerous and dealing with some things you would never want your child to be around or included in so you were uncertain of how things would work out. You didn't want to end the baby's life, but you had no clue how you'd manage parenting by yourself, or how things would go if Kai actually would want to help you.

  But why would he? You and him were a thing for one night. It was good fun, but it was over. Or not really, since it led into this very moment, but there wasn't any kind of bonds between you and Kai. There wasn't friendship or any real feelings - not from his side at least - only sex and that had only happened once. You didn't expect too much, and you definitely didn't think he'd join the family with a smile on his face but you did hope for the best. Though, you weren't sure yet whether best would be growing the child with or without Kai.

  You reached the Salvatore boarding house soon, and rapidly knocked on the door. You had decided long ago that the best way to handle unwanted or uncomfortable situations would be by getting it over with. Tearing off the band-aid and exposing the truth without holding back, without fear. You had to be brave, and especially in Mystic Falls where you either aimed to win every time or lost in the very first fight.

  "Y/N, my favorite sarcastic bitch right after me", Damon grinned when he had opened the door, causing you to roll your eyes, "To what do I owe the pleasure?", he added and leaned against the doorway. Instead of politely waiting for his invitation, you pushed him out of the way and walked in with determination and confidence, not afraid of him - you had been friends for years and therefore you had no reason to hold back around him.

  "Is Kai here?", you asked bravely after taking in a sharp breath and looking around. You didn't see him around, so you turned to Damon and took your hands out of your pockets to wipe the sweaty palms against your thighs. Your innocent smile made Damon lift an eyebrow, clearly suspecting your intentions and craving to know why you were there but you didn't have time to answer when the moment and the suddenly awkward silence was broken by the one and only, father of your child.

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