>>New Years Resolution and Those Who Made My Year Tags

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So it's New Years Eve and all so I thought why tf not lol. I guess that this year was about 50-50 with how great and horrible it was for me lol. I'm glad I joined Wattpad, although I admit I only joined it in the spur of the moment kinda deal. But I'm glad I got to meet people and everything cause I have so many people to talk to and laugh with. It's been pretty good on here with all the corrup-*cough* fun I've been having lol.

S/o to xoCANDYox amber_manz Ichigossu xX_KarmaAkabane_Xx XxSushiRollxX muffychu AkabaneKarma25 Yander3RedQueen Loki-Roki Chu-ixxi ChocoFluffBalls hikatsumi you're all great and hilarious lol. I love talking to all of you and it's also the most fun when it comes to corrupting xoCANDYox , the main innocent and target of my corrupting love <3

Line family, ily guys so much. You all have a special place in my heart <3 <3 <3

Special s/o to my readers too. W/o you guys, there wouldn't really be much in this book <cause like no requests lmao>

Thanks for putting up with me. I hope I'm a special piece of shit in your guys' life <3


Ok so apparently I was tagged so I'm making a second one lmao. I was tagged by Ichigossu thanks mum <3


1. Focus on studies and actually try harder. I mean I have good grades I just gotta care more for finals lol.

2. Probably to exercise more and try to get healthier and improve my endurance. All that healthy shit lol (easier than eating healthy)

3. Improve eyesight. My eyesight is legit terrible and I want to lower my prescription lol

4. Open up more. I want to be able to make more friends in both the real world and here. But I also gotta get closer with the friends I currently have.

5. Improve my writing and math skills. That's all there is to it lol

People who made this year

1. Family lol. My parents are always really annoying, but then again, so am I. We had our ups and downs, but we're still all together. Also, I wouldn't trade in my older bro despite whatever I say to/about him lol.

2. My two close friends lol. Keeping their names secret cause life xD One has been with me since middle school and she puts up with me so much and we make each other laugh a lot. The other one; I've only known him recently but we've gotten pretty close (or at least I think so lol) in such a short time and it's just great hanging out with him.

3. xoCANDYox . You were the first person I talked to on Wattpad and became friends with lol. I'm glad I had struck up a convo with you. It's always really fun talking and laughing with you. First friend and main target (of my corrupting love <3 )

4. Line family. Ichigossu amber_manz muffychu XxSushiRollxX xX_KarmaAkabane_Xx and AkabaneKarma25 when she pops in lol. Thanks for the laughs and love guys. It's that simple and that's all I need to say <3

5. The new squad I was roped into lol. I mean I don't talk much in google hangouts but I'm still pretty glad to have met some of you lol

6. The readers. Thanks for putting up with me and reading my work. You're all special. Thanks :)

Lol I didn't really have much to say. I tag amber_manz xX_KarmaAkabane_Xx xoCANDYox

muffychu and XxSushiRollxX  mum already tagged you guys but I'm tagging y'all again lmfao xD

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