Plot Twist [Karma]

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Request from: @hanamaruru lmao omg i cant wait for this one

HALLO PEOPLE OF WATTPAD THAT'S READING THIS PIECE OF SHIT~! So a bit of an update for you. I'm still on a semi-hiatus. I might post??? Keyword might. But it's more or less the most random updates ever like this one!! :D Enjoy I guess LOL

Due to certain reasons, the story will be in second person, only for this chapter. *groans at sudden shift in style*

           You sighed while walking up the hill, already tired at only 7:30 in the morning. Had it been any other day, the day would be normal with you only being sleepy. However, you were forced to transfer suddenly and automatically placed in the E class. The mountain only made you more miserable.

As you arrived outside the door, it suddenly opened as you came face to face with the octopus you were told about the prior day.

"Ah, that's right. We have a transfer student. Please come in and introduce yourself~" The octopus chuckled as he shooed you in. Awkwardly standing in front of curious eyes, you cleared your throat.

In a soft voice, you mumbled out, "Uh, hey there. I'm (l/n) (f/n). I'm not wearing the uniform because I only found out about it last night, so I never had time to grab the uniform. That's all really." Looking down at your skinny jeans and white short-sleeved and tight-fitting shirt, you shifted uncomfortably as your short bangs hid your (e/c) eyes unsuccessfully.

The octopus pointed at the back of the room at a seat next to a redhead and hummed out, "Your seat will be next to Karma-kun, (F/n)-chan." Before you could answer, he hummed out, "Go on, we have a lot to do in class now."

Shuffling to your seat, you blushed lightly under the curious stares from the girls and blushing glances from the boys. At the back, Karma winked and quietly hummed out, "Pleased to meet you, (f/n)-chan~" His words left a dark crimson hue on your cheeks. Never before had a guy made you feel this way before, but it made you quite pleased as you took a liking to his face and the new feeling.

As the lunch bell rang, clatters of chairs were heard as the students rushed to the (h/c)'s desk, all hoping to invite you to have lunch with them. The jumbles of "(f/n)-chan"s and "(l/n)-san"s only made you annoyed, despite it being barely two minutes into the break.

You were suddenly pulled up by a strong hand and dragged outside as everyone whined out, "Aww, Karma again??" Glancing at your abductor, you took notice of his beautiful mercury orbs when you suddenly heard him tease, "Can't take your eyes of me, huh~?"

Blushing, you ignored him while thinking how he could make you feel so tingly and strange inside. It was surely a different and thrilling feeling, him being your first love.

Karma was slightly confused himself; he hadn't really felt his heart beat so quickly merely from looking at someone. Just a glance at your soft looking (h/c) and (e/c) orbs, as well as the sweet lips that he wants to capture with his own, sends a small spark of euphoria and nervousness throughout him. This wasn't the Akabane Karma anyone knew, and this Karma surely isn't proud of turning into a mess on the inside from a glimpse at a pair of lips.

You glanced up at the redhead in confusion as he stopped near a lake and sat down. Hearing the bell ring in the distance, you contemplated about class before giving in and sitting down besides the curious male that's currently sending your heart racing a million miles.

Karma glanced at you before revealing his signature smirk only to make you blush a light crimson. Quickly trying to hide it, you quietly question, "So, what games do you like?"

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