Quiet Angel [Isogai]

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Request from: @Aria-22 this was cute enough I hope lol.

Sighing, (f/n) smiled as she plugged in her earbuds and played some music, humming quietly while looking out the window. Her friends walked up to her desk, tapping her on the shoulder while grinning.

"Wanna join us, (f/n)-chan? We're heading over to the field. Isogai-kun is currently playing soccer!!" The (h/c) chuckled softly and gave a small smile, humming out quietly, "I'll pass. Thank you though." The group grinned and left, giddy from seeing the "Quiet Angel" smile.

"Did you see that?! She smiled again!! It's only been a few days since she last smiled or talked to someone, but it felt like decades!!" Murmurs swept through the classroom, causing the (e/c)-eyes girl to blush once again. Pouting, she thought to herself, 'The nickname of the 'Quiet Angel' is so embarrassing. I know I'm quiet and all, but did they really have to call me an angel??' The nickname was given to her as soon as she had transfer to the new high school. She had walked into the classroom with a straight face.

"Nice to meet you. My name is (l/n) (f/n). I came from (old high school) and hope to get along with you." Her soft yet sweet voice was like candy for everyone's ears, and the small smile she gave at the end melted everyone's hearts, especially a certain raven's.

'Wow. Now that's what I call beautiful,' Isogai thought when he first saw her, blushing a darker shade of red than anyone else. Everyone started buzzing, whispering something when someone finally called out, "Quiet Angel," and everyone agreed, yelling out in unison, "That fits her perfectly!"

The memory made the girl blush lightly. Looking out the window in hopes of thinking about something else, she scanned the beautiful view; brilliant green trees rustled as the wind blew past them, birds quietly chirping in the background, and the cheers of the students as they watched the soccer game. The girl's brilliant (e/c) orbs wandered over to the game and her eyes slowly fell on Isogai. She started to watch him, a smile slowly forming on her lips as she observed the raven.

'Even if they are losing by a few points, he's still smiling and encouraging them. How...' "...incredible..." Her last thought accidentally slipped out. She said it quietly, but her classmates' sharp ears picked up the word and started buzzing about what their 'Quiet Angel' could have meant.

Isogai grinned as his teammate scored the winning goal, erupting squeals from the crowd of girls. As he was pulled into a group hug, he subconsciously looked up at his classroom and scanned the window to where (f/n) sat. He saw her staring down at them and the two made eye contact. 'So she was watching me...' This thought made him grin up at her and he discreetly gave her a peace sign.

(F/n) blushed and secretly looked around to make sure she was the one who he grinned at. Noticing that no one else was near the window, she shyly looked back down at him, who was still staring up at her with a grin. Slowly, she broke out into a wide, sweet smile. It was a rare sight that only Isogai saw, making him blush a deep red, where his teammates mistook it as a sign that he was sick. (F/n) chuckled softly while grinning as she watched him run away from his worried friends, who were trying to get him to go to the infirmary.

As people poured into the classroom when the bell rang, (f/n) looked up just as Isogai came in. The (h/c)'s lips turned up into a secretive looking smile, tugging everyone in the classroom's heartstrings, Isogai's especially. As he sat down into his seat next to her, he quietly mumbled something inaudible.

"Sorry, I didn't hear. What did you say?" The girl's soft voice was slightly louder than usual so that he could hear her over their noisy classmates. The boy blushed from hearing her voice clearer than usual.

"I-I asked if you wanted to go somewhere after school together today," he mumbled, facing the board in an attempt to avoid eye contact. But his curiosity got the better of him when she was silent. Everyone was listening to the teacher who walked in and was starting the lecture. He stole a glance at her, but he ended up facing her completely as she secretly smiled at him, a finger to her lips as she tucked some of her hair behind her ear. Isogai face exploded into flames as she held up a small piece of paper saying, 'Sure. But be quieter next time.'

~Time Skip~

"(F/n)-chan, where would you like to go?" The (h/c) gave a small smile before returning to her normal pokerface, humming out softly, "Let's go to a cafe. There's a new one that opened around here recently." Isogai nodded and they walked in a comfortable silence. He knew that she wasn't much of a talker, but he still wanted to get to know her better. 'But how do I do that without accidentally annoying her??' He pondered this thought the entire way. Without realizing it, they arrived at the cafe. He only snapped out of it when he heard the (h/c) sweet voice request, "Two seats in the back garden please."

"Have you been here before?" He followed her, who started to walk to their table, passing through a gate. His eyes widened as the view hit him; a small single road leading to tables formed in a circle around a beautiful marble fountain with a field surrounding it. The ikemen smiled and followed the humming girl to a table. Sitting down, he took the menu and opened it, but his attention was focused on the beautiful girl in front of him.

     "Is there something you want to say, Yuuma-kun?" Isogai was startled, realizing it was the first time she ever said his given name. But the way her angelic voice made it sound made him love it.

     "I just wanted to get to know you." The corners of the girl's mouth tugged upward as she noted how red his face turned.

      "Oh? Then ask what you want to know." The sound of her soft and gentle voice soothed him and he smiled, hoping to always hear this sweet melody.

      As Isogai walked (f/n) home, his eyes widened and his head jerked in the (h/c)'s direction. She had her pokerface on as usual, but he could see the light blush creeping onto her face even in the dark. Smiling, he let go of her hand, causing her to jerk her face up towards him, a flustered expression showing. The raven chuckled as he retook her hand into his own, this time intertwining their fingers together. The two stood still, staring into one another's beautiful eyes, before they started to walk once again, both with a small smile painted across their lips.

Honestly this is prob the cutest piece of shit i've written. Like the fluff in this is legit real. IM SO PROUD OF MYSELF //standing on mountain with hands in the air THE FLUFF IS REALLLLLLL

Next up: Karma x Reader

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