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Surprise surprise! There's only 2 shitty parts to this since I'm waaaaaaay too busy for my own good :'D

Anywhales, part 2's theme is... INNOCENT

"*gasp* What??? The evil and corrupted Panda is having INNOCENT as the theme??" LMFAO STFU K. You guys are young and shit (most likely) and yet y'all are thinking of naughty shit with non-existent people (sorry not sorry/*gasp* 4th wall BROKEN) so I brought that level way down with innocent shit. ENJOY <3 (shit xoCANDYox would prob be so happy about this. *gags*)


Scenario: Karma and (f/n) are 7 y/o and have known each other since they were born.

Karma: *runs to his friend's house**opens door* (F/n)!!

(F/n): *wakes up and groggily walks out of her room* Ehhh? Karma-chan? Why are you here so early? *yawns*

Karma: *grins* It's already 11 AM idiot! And do you know what day it is?

(F/n): *blinks and wakes up* It's Sunday right? *tilts head*

Karma: No, you silly idiot! *chuckles* It's Valentine's Day!!

(F/n): *eyes widens* I forgot!!

Karma: *laughs* I knew you did!! So I came prepared! *brings out a handful of forget me nots (image below lol)* Will you be my valentine, (f/n)?

Karma: *laughs* I knew you did!! So I came prepared! *brings out a handful of forget me nots (image below lol)* Will you be my valentine, (f/n)?

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(F/n): *takes them and smiles widely* Of course! Thank you!! *kisses his cheek**hugs him*

Karma: *grins**hugs back tightly*

~8 years later~

Karma: *hands (f/n) a bouquet of forget me nots**smirks* Happy Valentine's Day, dork. Remember these?

(F/n): *takes them**laughs* How could I forget?

Karma: *rolls eyes and chuckles**leans in and kisses her cheek* I love you.

(F/n): *laughs* I love you too~

Scenario: 4 y/o (F/n) bumps into 5 y/o Isogai while she's lost in a big park.

(F/n): *stares at Isogai and tears up**starts hiccuping*

Isogai: *panics* A-Are you O-OK?? *brings out a pack of tissues in his pocket* *takes one out and wipes her eyes*

(F/n): I-I'm lost... *looks down*

Isogai: *smiles a little and takes her hand* Let's go to where you last saw your mommy. Here, have this. *Takes out a heart shaped lollipop and hands it to her*

(F/n): *smiles and nods**takes it* I saw her at the swings last.

Both: *walks there in comfortable silence*

(F/n)'s mom: (F/n)!! There you are!! *runs over to her**hugs her tightly* Thank god you're safe. *looks at Isogai* Who's this?

(F/n): He's my new friend! He helped me find you!

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