Pocky Kisses [Nagisa]

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Request from: xoCANDYox mah bae yo ;D

       "Nagisa-kun, you got that problem wrong. It's actually supposed to be 'It's their job after all,' not 'its their job.' This is a common mistake that everyone makes, including Americans themselves," (F/n) said, pointing at the paper. She continued, "'It's' mean 'it is' while 'its' mean possession. You got the right form of 'their' though, so that's good." Grabbing some chips, she started munching as Nagisa wrote down a few quick notes.

     "Thanks (f/n)-chan. Sorry you have to tutor me even though you should be resting," he said, smiling sweetly at the (h/c). The girl blushed lightly and stammered out, "It's fine. Besides, it's fun to talk to someone rather than just sleeping." She puffed out her cheeks a bit as she mumbled out, "You get a high fever once and everyone makes such a big deal over nothing. Mom even called the hospital and made me go there in an ambulance and everything." Nagisa chuckled as he said, "Everyone was worried sick when they heard that. Koro-sensei left the lesson and zoomed over there to check and see if you were fine."

      The girl started laughing as she stammered out, "Oh yeah!! He came in out of nowhere and made a huge fuss! I got a lot of candy from him though, so it wasn't all bad at least."Nagisa smiled, glad that his adorable girlfriend seemed fine. "I was really worried. You were so dead and tired yesterday too. Thank god you're fine now though." (F/n) blushed as he smiled that angelic smile of his in relief. "I told you already, you're all making a huge fuss over a stupid fever. I'm fine," she mumbled out, fiddling with her fingers.

       "I'm still not sure exactly how you caught a cold. What happened (f/n)-chan?" The bluehead questioned, giving her his puppy dog eyes in hopes that she'd answer. She slid down under her covers and mumbled out, "....Some of the guys grabbed a bucket of water and poured it on me. I chased them, and it was a windy day, so I ended up getting sick..." Nagisa sighed as he thought to himself, 'So that's why Sugino, Isogai, and Maehara told me to say sorry to her while Karma just smirked evilly.' "They said to tell you sorry and gave you some sweets," he said while taking a bag out. He chuckled as her eye's light up, delighted at the numerous treats she got.

    "YAY!! FOOD!!" (F/n) took the bag and poured it out all over her bed, grinning as she looked at all the numerous sweets. A box of Pocky came out last, causing the girl to grin as she picked it up. Nagisa took a box of Choco-rooms and started munching on them as a note on the Pocky box caught (f/n)'s eye. 'Sorry you got sick~ ;) I'll make it up to you by giving you a 'fun' treat~ Play the Pocky game with Nagisa lol. That's my apology. -Karma' The (h/c) blushed as she read the note, mentally cursing and thanking the devil. The girl looked up and made eye contact with Nagisa, who smiled and only made her blush worse.

     "N-Ne, Nagisa-kun. Will you p-play something with me?" She stammered out, a deep red blush present on her face. Her stammering made her even cuter, causing Nagisa to blush as well as he answered, "U-Um, sure. What's the game?" The red-faced couple was silent before (f/n) mumbled out, "I-I want to play the P-Pocky game w-with you..." Nagisa blushed even deeper red, steam coming out from all directions as he mumbled out, "Um...S-sure. I'm fine with t-that..." (F/n) opened the box and took one out, trembling as she placed it in Nagisa's mouth.

     "I'll start first, and then you can do the next one..." she mumbled out. She started to bite the piece one by one, keeping her eyes open as she slowly inched in closer to Nagisa. She was now extremely close to his face and decided to tease the bluehead by staying still, making no move or intention of getting any closer. Nagisa's face kept getting redder and redder, amusing the (h/c) as she watched him become extremely flustered. Nagisa finally couldn't take it anymore and leaned in, grabbing (f/n)'s wrists and kissed her passionately. The girl squeaked in surprise, allowing him to snake his tongue in. After a while he finally pulled away to see a flustered little (h/c)-haired girl, making him chuckle.

       "That's my revenge, (f/n)-chan~ Did Karma tell you to do this?" He questioned. However, the bluehead chuckled as he saw the (h/c) had fainted from the sudden kiss. He laid her down and tucked her in securely, smiling as he saw her peaceful sleeping face. Putting a glass of water on the table next to her bed, he quickly leaned down and gave her a kiss, smiling as he quietly hummed out, "Rest well, (f/n)-chan." He then closed the door and left, as a small smile crept onto (f/n)'s lips.

~Time Skip~

        The (h/c) grinned as she opened the door, singing out, "Hey Nagisa-kun~ I'm here to nurse you back to full health! Feeling better?" The bluehead chuckled as he replied, "Mom called 911 and I had to go to the hospital because I came home with such a high fever yesterday." The (h/c) pouted as she said, "I was banned by Koro-sensei from kissing you, cause if I did, this sick thing will never end." Nagisa laughed, bringing a smile onto (f/n)'s face. "Now, let's tutor you some more on English, Nagisa-kun~ You'll get some candy for every right answer."


Damn, four uploads in one day lol. I'll continue this tomorrow/wednesday/friday/saturday. basically whenever i have time lol.

Next up: Koro-sensei x Reader x Nagisa

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