29 - Author Feels Awkward

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Cas sat beside Dean's hospital bed. It was Thursday now, three days since the crash. Cas had gone to see Dean yesterday, but the doctors wouldn't let him stay too long, wanting to run more tests and stuff. The Doctor seemed a bit weird though, running around with his fez and bowtie.

Cas sighed, holding Dean's hand in his and looking at Dean's sleeping face. He seemed fine, he wasn't comatose or anything, Cas wouldn't believe that. He just wouldn't wake up.

"Dean," Cas said softly, his voice cracking. He cleared his throat and tried again. "Dean. I don't know if you can hear me...but Charlie thinks this'll work. Don't think that I'm only doing this because of that though, I just...I want you back."

"I'm sorry about what happened between us, I should've told you about Meg. It was a stupid idea not to tell you in the first place. And I shouldn't have left after you told me about Lisa, it was obvious you already hated yourself for it. I shouldn't have made it worse."

"I forgive you Dean, I forgave you before you even said it. I just couldn't process it properly at the time...I didn't mean for this to happen to you, I didn't..." Cas sighed. "I suck at this."

"Dean please don't die on me now. You're my soulmate, you brought colour to my life. I'm being completely honest when I say I can't live without you, and if you don't wake up now, I don't know what I'm going to do with my life."

Cas closed his eyes to stop tears from falling. "Dean...I love you, more than anything else. So please, please wake up." Cas opened his eyes...to look directly into the bright green ones that he loved.

Dean blinked at him before smiling. "Heya Cas."

"Dean," Cas said before leaning forward to hug Dean hard. "You're awake."

"What happened?" Dean asked, pulling Cas closer in the hug. "Last I remember was driving."

"You crashed," Cas whispered. "You were essentially comatose."

"And then, to be so cliché and chick flick momenty, I heard your voice and woke," Dean said. "Cas...I love you too."

Cas smiled, and buried his head into Dean's shoulder. Dean shifted so that Cas could move onto the bed beside him while still hugging him.

"You ever going to let me go?" Dean said, smirking.

"Never," Cas said, curling up against Dean's side.

"I'm perfectly fine with that," Dean said. "How long was I asleep?"

"Not long, today's Thursday," Cas said. "By the way, Sam is remembering."

"Holy crap really?" Dean said. "About time everything got happy again."

Cas just smiled, before pulling away from the hug to lean down and kiss Dean.

The doctors insisted Dean stayed for another day, just to make sure he was completely fine, so Cas had to leave at the end of visiting hours. They pretty much had to drag him out, but Dean promised he would text him the moment he left. And as promised, Cas got a text message literally five seconds after he left the room.


Gabriel walked into the classroom, expecting to be covered in green paint as he opened the door. Well he got exactly what he expected. Except he was prepared and had an umbrella, which was now green.

Sam just smiled from across the room where he had his feet up on the desk. Gabe winked at him before putting the umbrella down somewhere and moving to his own seat.

Class started, Gabriel was bored. Well he was making himself bored. He needed to focus on pranking Sam, not doing school work.

Sometime into class, he pulled out a lollipop and wrote a note, attaching it to the lollipop. The note read 'Cas said you mentioned the crash, that you remembered why you were crossing the street in the first place. Oh and yeah, there's totally a smoke bomb in your bag.'

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