7 - Pranks and Totally Not a Date

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It was a Friday afternoon. Thank god (Chuck). Gabriel was walking to his final class of the day, yet again art. There were a lot of art classes for some unknown reason.

And of course, Sam wouldn't miss the opportunity. As Gabriel opened the door, it knocked off the bucket of paint balanced carefully on top of the door. And that is how Gabriel became covered in green paint.

Gabriel flinched slightly as the paint covered him, and then immediately turned to glare at Sam who was just smirking at him. There weren't many people in the class at the time, but they laughed at Gabriel all the same.

Gabriel sighed and walked over to his desk, grabbing one of the towels used to clean up paint and wiping the paint off his face. Luckily he didn't have his favourite green jacket on, it was in his backpack which had avoided most of the paint. His hair however would take ages to clean. He looked back at Sam who was still watching him, and stuck his tongue out at him. Sam rolled his eyes and turned his attention to the teacher who had just walked into the room.

In art they were yet again working on a canvas. Gabriel's was still just nothing. They were supposed to paint something meaningful but Gabriel just couldn't think of anything. He glanced over at Sam who was sketching ideas down. Gabriel couldn't see what they were, but from Sam's expression he assumed they would be good.

Gabriel sighed and leant back in his chair, pulling a sucker out. The teachers had long since given up on stopping him eating them during class. He thought for a second before pulling a second out and scribbling a note to attach to it.

'Don't worry it's not poisonous. A reward for being the most fun competition I've had. Oh but the smoke bomb in your bag, moving your bag could probably set that off.'

He wasn't too far from Sam, so throwing the sucker onto his desk wasn't hard. Sam jumped as it landed and then picked it up suspiciously. He pulled the note off first and read it, looking at his bag as he read the last part. He glared back at Gabriel who just smirked at him and shrugged. Sam scribbled a note and threw it back, although he did pop the sucker into his mouth.

Gabriel unfolded it and read Sam's neat writing. 'I think you're just bored right now. And smoke bombs don't have anything on stink bombs.' Gabriel didn't process the last part for a moment until he realized Sam could've been to his locker. He swore under his breath and glared at Sam who was now the one smirking.


"Lis, you okay to come over tomorrow?"

Lisa nodded and Dean silently cheered. She smiled brightly at him as he sat beside her. "I can come over in the morning and stay all day, if that's alright with you."

"Yeah, Dad probably won't mind," Dean said. "Sam might be annoying about it though."

"Oh? Why?" Lisa asked.

"He thinks my soulmate is someone else," Dean said.

"Why would he think that?" Lisa said, offended slightly. Dean shrugged.

"You might want to avoid him, Charlie too, they'll get really annoying about it."

Lisa nodded, and they went back to whatever work they had in whatever class they were in.


Gabriel watched as Sam looked at his bag. It was the end of the day and they were packing up. Sam was just staring at his bag as he contemplated what to do. He had tried very carefully looking for the smoke bomb but it was placed in a spot where if he tried to do anything to it, it would go off.

Gabriel watched as Sam eventually just gave up and kicked his bag across the room. And as promised, it exploded into smoke.

In a few seconds the entire room was filled with smoke. Gabriel smirked, listening as people started freaking out. He ran towards the door to avoid getting in trouble for this, and ran into someone who had the same idea along the way.

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