17 - Sam's A Tease...So Is Gabe

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"Sometimes I wonder how I put up with you," Sam muttered as Gabriel started whining.

"Shut up you love me."

"Do I?"

"Don't make me question that."

Sam just smirked.

So they were in art class, because the author is done with thinking of new classes. It was a Friday and Gabriel was sick of school.

"Samantha watcha painting?"



"I don't know."

"Are the wings gonna be attached to a person?"

Sam shrugged. With the way he had drawn the wings, he could add a person into the painting. Although he didn't trust his skills enough for that.

And five minutes later Gabe was bored again.

"Hey Samsquatch."

"What Gabriel?"

"I'm bored."

"So I've noticed."

"Wanna do something fun?"

"Shh I'm painting."

Gabriel pouted. "Nope I'm gonna annoy you."

"Wow great soulmate you are," Sam said. "If you're quiet I'll give you something later."

Gabriel narrowed his eyes and Sam turned to look at him. He had this look in his eyes, almost suggestive. Gabriel sighed and didn't say another word.


Castiel walked through the halls, on his way to a different class than what Dean had. There wasn't really anyone in the halls as Cas was a little late.

He turned a corner and ran into someone, stumbling backwards. Cas grumbled and then looked up, only to see someone he really didn't want to.

"The hell you doing here fag?" Azazel snarled.

"Is that all your vocabulary consists of?" Castiel spat back. Azazel narrowed his eyes and took a step forward. Cas gulped and stepped backwards.

Azazel suddenly lunged forward and grabbed Cas, then smashed him against the lockers. Castiel groaned.

Azazel smirked before grabbing Cas' head, knocking it hard against the lockers. Castiel's vision went blurry, but he could still hear Azazel walking away while laughing.

Castiel swore under his breath, and blinked until his vision was clear again. Now he was late for class with a stupid headache which was probably bordering concussion.


"Sam I was quiet, now what was that thing you were going to give me?" Gabriel asked as they sat together at recess.

"Oh right, that," Sam said, smiling a bit. He turned to Gabriel and brought a hand up to rest it on the side of Gabe's face. Sam leant in slowly and Gabriel's heart rate pretty much just went insane.

And then Sam ducked to the side and kissed Gabe on the cheek before pulling away.

Gabriel just glared at Sam. "Why. Why are you a tease."

"It's fun," Sam said, smirking. "You get all flustered and quiet when I get close."

Gabriel just grumbled under his breath.


Castiel walked over to Meg, before he met up with Dean at lunch. Meg gave him a curious look.

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