31 - Under the Glow of Fairy Lights

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Here, have an entirely Sabriel chapter :P



"You okay? You've kinda been zoned out since you introduced yourself."

"Yeah I'm good."

Gabriel gave him a concerned look. "Well...if you were you would've pranked me by now."

Sam looked up at Gabriel, realizing he was right. He'd glued Gabriel's pencil to his hand, and since Gabe thought he still needed to reenact.

"Oh...I do remember I just...somethings on my mind."

"Wanna talk about it?" Gabe asked, the concerned look still there.

"Maybe later," Sam said. "I need to figure something out first."

"Okay," Gabe said, nodding in understanding. "I'll be here when you want to talk."

"Thanks," Sam said, smiling at Gabriel. Then he realized Gabe looked nervous. Well obviously, this was the first time they'd actually talked properly and happily since the crash. But then he realized Gabe must've been thinking Sam didn't remember the prank, that it'd stopped working. Sam winced. He'd have to be a bit more careful.

"Soo," Gabe said kind of awkwardly. "You going to come over for the soap later?"

"Yeah," Sam said with equal amounts of awkwardness. What the hell was he supposed to do?

"Okay," Gabe said.

The bell rung at that moment, and they both stood, leaving the classroom without saying another word. Gabe went to the Novak's car while Sam walked to the Impala.

"We going over to the Novak's?" Dean asked, already leaning against the black car with Cas beside him. Sam nodded, staring at nothing. "You okay?"

"Fine," Sam said. "Actually...I'm great. Holy shit I'm awesome Dean."

"Uhh okay?"

"I remember."

Dean stared at him for a second before stepping forward and pulling his younger brother into a tight hug. "Why aren't you with Gabriel?" he asked as he pulled away.

"I haven't told him..." Sam said quietly.

"Why not?" Cas asked. "You know how he must feel right now."

"Yeah I do," Sam said. "So I want to do something special for him. I don't know what though."

"Reenact some stuff, quote yourself, be romantic," Dean said.

"Like you can talk about romance."

"Hey I'm romantic as hell!"

"Sure you are Dean."

"I've got to agree with Sam here," Cas said with a small smirk. Dean gaped at him.

"I can be romantic," he protested.

"Well then, prove it," Cas said. "Poems are romantic, do that."

"You're kidding," Dean said, giving Cas such a done look.

"Nope," Cas said, his smile widening.

"Fine," Dean said. "Lemme think."

"He's gonna fail," Sam said to Cas who nodded.

"Okay I've got it," Dean said. "Castiel. You can fall out of an airplane, you can fall out of a tree. But baby the best way to fall, is in love with me."

"Holy shit he actually did it," Sam said. "And that wasn't even bad."

Cas just chuckled before pulling Dean into a soft kiss.

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