3 - Charlie Plotting and Rainbow Glitter

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Dean was walking to the door after hearing a loud knocking when it burst open and a fangirling Charlie walked through.

"Why didn't I hear about this?!" she almost shouted at Dean, who just gave her a weary look. "You better damn tell me who it is or I swear to God."

"I don't know okay?" Dean said. "I was drunk, I forgot."

"Oh you have got to be joking," Charlie muttered. "Well we'll just have to find this girl then."

"Look it doesn't matter Charlie, it's not that big of a deal," Dean said.

"Not that big of a deal?!" Charlie exclaimed, gaping at Dean. "You met your soulmate!"


"Tell you what, beat me in Assassin's Creed and I'll forget about it."

"You know that's unfair."

"Those are my terms. And if I win, you have to appear at least a bit enthusiastic about this."

Dean sighed before nodding. It wasn't a fair fight but he had played the game with Sammy often.

They set up the Xbox and opened the game. (Magical world where Assassin's Creed has split screen multiplayer). Obviously there was the chance that they could screen cheat, but neither would do that.

It started horribly for...wait for it...Charlie. That's right, Dean was kicking her ass. Until Charlie got an over a thousand point kill. And it all went downhill for Dean from there.

"Come on, that wasn't fair," Dean whined.

"Come at me bitch. I won fair and square. Now, we're going to find that soulmate of yours."

"Where would we even start looking?" Dean said, throwing the controller down.

"The Novak's."

Dean groaned. "Fine, just don't tell any of them why we're there."

"How are they supposed to help if they don't know what they're helping with?"

"I don't know, just do whatever will work."

Five minutes later they were knocking on the door of the Novak's house. The door opened to show a man with blue eyes, messy brown hair and stubble. He was wearing a bath robe and looked tired.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"We were at the party here last night," Charlie said, Dean standing awkwardly behind her. "I think I left my phone here, I was wondering if anyone had seen it?"

The guy sighed and opened the door, letting them inside. "Balthazar's probably the person to ask. Lucifer might have stolen it, Gabriel hidden it, or Anna borrowed it."

"Okay, thanks," Charlie said. "If you don't mind me asking, who are you?"

"Chuck Novak," Chuck said. "The dad of these nightmares."

"They're not that bad," Dean said.

"When you come home to find the house trashed, yes they are," Chuck said. He walked off into one of the other rooms, leaving Dean and Charlie.

"Okay, now what?" Dean whispered to Charlie.

"Now we lie," Charlie said. She walked through the house, leading Dean to the kitchen.

"Woah!" Balthazar said, jumping as they appeared behind him. "How'd you guys get here?"

"Chuck let us in," Charlie said. "I left my phone here, have you seen it?"

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