15 - Mall of Ships

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~Title dedicated to my amazing typo~

Dean was pacing impatiently in front of the Impala. Gabriel and Castiel were supposedly going to come over to their house, but neither them nor Sam were showing up.

"Hey Dean," Jo said, walking up to him. "If you're wondering, Sam and Gabriel ditched school, they're probably not going to show up."

"Idiots," Dean muttered. "What about Cas?"

"No idea," Jo said and walked off. Dean looked around and saw Ash, and walked over to him.

"Hey man have you seen Cas?" he asked.

"Actually yeah. In first aid."

Dean almost choked. "Why?! What happened?"

"I don't know but he looked pretty beaten up. He's probably still there, you should go check on him."

Dean nodded and ran off, back into the school. He got to first aid quickly and barged in, finding Cas lying on a bed.

"Holy shit dude are you okay?" Dean asked, going to sit on the edge of the bed.

"I'm okay," Castiel said. "I've been better." He had several cuts and a lot of bruises, and winced whenever he moved. Definitely not okay.

"What happened?"

"What happened was you left this poor guy on his own to get beaten up by Azazel." It was then that Dean noticed the other person in the room. He had seen her around, Meg Masters her name was.

"We had different classes," Dean protested. "I would've been with him all day if I could."

"Meg don't be mean to him, he didn't do anything wrong," Castiel said. Meg glared at Dean but didn't say anything else. "Azazel and his group caught me, I'm fine Dean, really."

"No you're not," Dean muttered. This isn't right, he was so scared before. He shouldn't be so fine with this, especially after what happened. "I should've been there."

"Don't beat yourself up over this," Castiel said. "You couldn't have done anything."

Stop being so okay with this! What happened to my little scared Cassie? "But I should've done something. I'm sorry Cas."

"There's nothing there to forgive Dean, don't be sorry."

Dean just sighed. I don't get this...


Sam and Gabriel had been talking for a while, just about completely random stuff. They hadn't talked about the soulmate thing yet, but after the big speech thing Gabriel did Sam figured it could wait.

Oh and then the other Novak's came home. And they were still mad at the pranks the two of them had done.

"Well crap," Sam said. "Should we maybe leave?"

"Probably," Gabriel said, walking over to his window. They heard voices coming up the stairs, sounding like Balth and Alfie. Balthazar walked past Gabriel's room, and then walked backwards when he noticed that they were there.

Gabriel was already out the window, Sam halfway out. "Oi get back here you bastard!" Balthazar shouted as Sam jumped down from the window, laughing. Gabriel smiled and then the two of them jumped the fence and ran off into the distance.

They ran for a while, laughing together, until they stopped at the mall or shops or whatever it's called. (Best typo ever, 'mall of ships' xD)

"Hey hey hey Sammy, lolly shop, please please please???"

"Oh wow you're such a child," Sam said, smiling down at Gabriel who was giving him puppy eyes. "Sure." Gabriel's eyes lit up and he ran off in the direction of the lolly shop. Sam chuckled and followed him.

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