19 - Not Exactly Sleep Walking

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"Why doesn't Mary trust us?"

"Dude she just met you."

Gabriel rolled his eyes at Dean. John and Mary wanted to go out and do something nice for the night, and Mary made all four of them go to the Novak's since she didn't want them home alone. Not that going to the Novak's would really make a difference.

Castiel walked to his room, Dean following. Sabriel probably went to Gabe's room.

"Dean, how are you?" Cas asked as they sat down on his bed. "What with finding out your mother's alive?"

"I...I..." Dean took a deep breath. "I can't believe it. After so many years she's alive..."

Cas smiled at his boyfriend, putting an arm around his shoulders.

"Cas she's alive, she's supposed to be dead, this just feels unrealistic." Tears started to fill Dean's eyes.

"Dean you're crying..."

"I'm not sad...I'm happy...I'm really happy Cas." Dean leaned into Cas, allowing Cas to pull him into a full hug. They sat like that for a while before Dean spoke up again. "Hey Cas? Did you ever know your real parents?"

Cas froze, the memory returning against his will. Dean noticed Cas's reaction and pulled back to look Castiel in the eyes.

"Oh Cas," he said as he saw the fear and horror in his eyes. A single tear escaped Cas's eye, and Dean gently wiped it away. "What happened? It's always better to tell someone."

"They were shot," Castiel said quietly, his voice choked up. "Someone broke in and they were shot. Everyone except me."

Dean gave Cas the same look of hurt he probably had and pulled Cas into his arms. A sob shook through Cas's body as he tried not to cry. "Shh Cas, it's okay. I'm here, and I'll always be here."

~~(Will you Dean, will you?)~~

"Hey Sam, if we ever get a hamster, can we call it Samster?"

"Nah let's get a cat and call it Catstiel."

"No that's what Dean is going to do."

Sam just laughed and shook his head, and then sighed. "Gabe, this isn't a dream is it?"


"Mom coming back. Is this a dream?"

"No Sammy," Gabe said, walking up to Sam. "This is real. She's really back." Sam just looked back silently, a look of fear in his eyes. "Why are you scared?"

"I don't want to wake up only to find her gone," Sam said. "I don't want to lose her again."

"Sam this is real. She's here, and she's not going anywhere."

"But how do I know for sure?"

Gabe stood on his tip toes and pulled Sam down to kiss him gently. As he pulled away he said, "Tell me, was that real or a dream?"

"Real," Sam said, smiling softly. He pressed his lips to Gabe's again, before pulling back and yawning. "Any chance of sleep? Kinda been a long day."

"Of course Samantha," Gabe said, before full on shoving Sam onto the bed. Sam yelped as he fell and Gabe just chuckled. Sam rolled his eyes.

Eventually they actually settled down to sleep, Sam somewhat spooning Gabriel.

~~(I went back and checked, this is supposed to be Monday but let's just pretend it's Sunday coz I already wrote it like that *Tardis sounds*)~~

"What the hell?"

"What the actual hell?"

"Samster what did you do?!"

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