35 - Goodbye My Innocence

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"A ring?" Sam asked. "As in, a proposal ring?"

Gabe nodded frantically. "He's going to propose to Cassie."

"When?" Sam asked, sitting up.

"Dude I only found the ring, it's not like he had a note saying exactly when and where he planned to do it."

Sam laughed. "True. I'll ask Dean if he ever comes home."

"Well he's gotta come around sometime, it's not like they can do anything at my house with our siblings running around."

"I think I'd prefer him staying there if you're suggesting what I think you are."

"Oh you know me too well," Gabe said, smiling. He lied back down against Sam's side and they fell into silence again, eventually falling asleep too.


"Dean," Sam said, walking into the kitchen. Dean had just come home from the Novak's. Because Chuck and Becky were trying to sort out their family, Cas had gotten a part time job until he went off to college, so he wasn't with Cas right now.

"Hey Sammy," Dean said, making cereal. In the afternoon. Sam didn't question it.

"Gabriel found something in your room," Sam started. Gabriel was still asleep upstairs.

"Why the hell was he in my room?" Dean said.

"He stole your sheets. We made a blanket fort."

"Dude I'm not even going to comment."

"But anyway. He found the ring."

Dean froze, his eyes going wide. "Okay I was going to tell you guys, I just—"

"Woah don't freak out or anything," Sam said. "It's not like we're surprised. We're just curious about when."

Dean sighed. "I don't know. I hadn't actually planned on doing it quite just yet, but I was out and I saw the ring and I just..."

Sam smiled. "Just felt like it was right?"

Dean nodded. "Yeah. I mean, he's my angel, it's angel wings..."

"Oh cool, I didn't actually see it but that's great."

Dean smiled nervously. "I don't know when I should do this, I don't know how I should do this, dammit Sammy I'm nervous."

"Don't worry Dean, Cas will think it's perfect no matter what you do."

Dean smiled thankfully at him. "I think I might do it next year, it has only been a few months."

"Well you are soulmates," Sam said. "Some people have married sooner."

"True," Dean said. "Maybe I'll..." He trailed off, deep in thought. Sam smiled at him before walking back through the house and to his room where Gabriel was just waking up.

"Morning," Gabe said sleepily.

"It's the afternoon," Sam said, smiling softly and sitting next to the sleepy Gabe.

"Where were you?"

"Asking Dean about the ring," Sam said.

"Oh my Chuck what did he say, when's the wedding, can we plan it, can everything be rainbow coloured?"

"I think they want to plan their own wedding," Sam said, laughing. "But Dean said he wouldn't be doing it soon."

"Awww," Gabe said. "Why?"

"It's literally only been a few months Gabe."

"And? I'd marry you if we were legal."

Sam smiled softly at Gabe. "Really?"

Unknown Colours (Destiel/Sabriel)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat