23 - Memories

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Dean heard Gabe run off and rushed over to Sam, pushing him roughly against a wall.

"The hell is wrong with you?!" he shouted. Sam scowled at him.

"Oh I don't know, maybe I have no memory?!" Sam shouted back at him. "How do you think I feel right now? I just woke up around all these strange people, and a guy is claiming to be my soulmate."

"You're saying that like it's a crime," Dean growled. Sam simply shrugged.

"To some people it is Deano."

Dean froze. That was Gabriel's nickname for him. Gabriel's. Not Sam's.

"What did I say?" Sam asked, seeing Dean's reaction.

"Nothing," Dean said. Sam shrugged again, and walked back into the hospital room. Dean glared after him before turning on his heel, going to comfort Gabriel instead of tending to his mess of a brother.

Gabriel ran into the house, slamming every door possible behind him. Of course, being the Novak house, this wasn't exactly new behaviour. But when everyone heard the quiet sobs coming from Gabe's room they all went to him in concern.

"Gabriel," Lucifer said, slowly opening the door. "Brother. What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it," Gabriel muttered into his sleeve. He was curled up in a ball on his bed.

"Gabey come on," Balth said. "Sam's alive isn't he?"

"May as well not be."

Michael walked into the room, sitting on the edge of Gabriel's bed and putting an arm around him. "Gabriel. Tell us what happened."

Gabriel was silent for a few moments before muttering one word.

"What was that?" Anna asked.

"I said amnesia," Gabriel repeated. "And it's not just amnesia..."

The siblings around him all winced and gave him sympathetic looks. Gabe took one glance around and scowled.

"I don't want your sympathy. You know what happened, now leave me the hell alone." His voice was low and angry, with a tone of warning, which got all his siblings out of his room pretty much immediately.

As they left, Gabriel curled into a tighter ball, tears falling freely from his eyes. Each word that Sam had said rung through his head and stabbed a dagger into his heart.

"Sammy why?" he murmured. "Why are you acting like this?"

Moments later Cas walked into the room, fuming. "I swear if he dares to do anything like this again I'll—"

"Cassie stop," Gabe muttered. "Leave him alone. It wasn't his fault."

Cas breathed deeply for a few moments, calming himself. "Dean said they took Sam home. They think the familiarity will help bring some of his memories back." Gabe watched carefully as Castiel spoke.

"You're hiding something."

Cas sighed. "The doctors gave a prediction for Sam's memories. They said he'll regain his earlier memories easiest...and his most recent ones have a chance not to come back."

"But...his most recent ones...are me..."

Cas nodded sadly. "I'm sorry Gabe."

Gabe made a choked sound before burying his head in his arms again. Cas sighed and pulled Gabe into a hug as he began to cry.

Dean glanced over as Sam walked around the house, looking carefully at everything. When Sam was showing no signs of memories, Dean walked up to his room, collapsing down on his bed.

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