4 - The Trickster Gets Pranked

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Gabriel walked into school on the Monday morning, the rest of his siblings going off to hunt down everyone seen at the party. Gabriel was going to begin his hunt for the other prankster, beginning with either talking to Sam or going to the science storeroom. Although he encountered something along the way that changed those plans entirely.

Gabriel was going to his locker to get his books so he wouldn't be too late to class. And the moment he opened his locker, a mountain of ping pong balls fell out. His immediately reaction was to jump back, which only made him trip over, collapsing onto the ground surrounded by the ping pong balls.

Everyone in the hallway had looked up and started whispering as they saw The Trickster surrounded by what was obviously a prank with a shocked expression. Some laughed a little bit at him but shut up when he shot them a glare.

Gabe stood, straightening his clothes and pretending none of that just happened. He grabbed his books, throwing out a few stray ping pong balls from his locker and slammed it behind him. He began to walk off until he saw a note amongst the balls. He picked it up and read it.

'Want to start a war huh? Well, you asked for it.'

Gabriel froze, looking at the note in shock. He had only mentioned to his family that he had declared war on this guy. Which meant...no, they wouldn't do this. Maybe someone overheard him while he was talking to Castiel about it at the party.

Gabriel folded the piece of paper, putting it in his pocket and walked off, kicking away all the balls on the floor. What he didn't notice was Sam standing in the hallway, picking up one of the ping pong balls and turning it in his hand.

Gabriel went to the science storeroom, but there wasn't a single clue there. But he did return the original chemical, in case he was accused of stealing it.

Gabriel headed to his first class after that, just making it in time before the teacher showed up. And his class was maths. Once again, maths first thing in the morning was just stupid.

Now while Gabriel was known as The Trickster and was very well known, he didn't actually have many close friends. Most of the time he spent with his family. All the other kids were kind of scared of him. While he didn't mind it, sometimes it did get a bit lonely. Especially in boring classes where there was no one to talk to.

Across the room, Kevin sat with some of his friends, Jo and Adam. Gabriel hadn't talked to them before, but he didn't feel like being alone today.

"Hey people," he said as he sat beside the three. They just looked at him weirdly.

"What do you want?" Adam said rudely.

"Someone to talk to," Gabriel said.

"Since when do you ever only want someone to talk to?" Kevin asked.

"Since I'm lonely, okay?" Gabe replied, his voice slightly irritated. The three exchanged confused looks, then looked back at Gabriel.

"Just don't mess with our stuff," Jo said. "Please." Gabriel nodded, surprised that he actually meant it.

Maths went smoothly, and Gabriel actually made decent conversation with the three. They became more comfortable with him as time passed, beginning to laugh and joke with him by the end of class.

Afterwards Gabriel went off to his other class, which Jo was also in, Food Tech. Basically, cooking. As they entered the room they passed Sam leaving.

"What was Sam doing here?" Gabriel asked.

"He likes to help the teachers out," Jo said. "He helps set up Food Tech every week, so that was completely normal." Gabriel nodded, the appearance of Sam disappearing from his mind.

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