24 - Brothers Will Always Be There

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So, the Winchester part of this chapter was a request from a friend, added some Novak brother stuff too to fill the chapter...although the Novak thing was just for a bit of fun, I don't even know why I did that :P

If anyone else has something specific they want to happen, you're welcome to tell me and I'll work it in :)

Dean looked over to where Sam was lying on the couch watching Doctor Who. It was weird, seeing his twelve year old mind again. He was more immature, quite a bit dumber and just generally acted different.

It was now Friday, and there had been no progress in Sam's condition. He mostly just sat around watching Doctor Who or Sherlock.

"Sam, you should at least try to remember something," Dean said. "Binge watching shows isn't going to help."

"But you don't know what will help Dean," Sam said. "So what else should I do?"

"We could go out places, places that we've been in the last three years."


"My god I forgot how lazy you were."

"You mean I'm not lazy anymore?"

"Nope. You're a complete nerd. Who actually cares about school."

"If we go on a road trip will you let me talk to Gabe?"


Sam smiled and got up from the couch, turning off the Tv. Except he miscalculated the distance he had to walk again and hit his knee of the Tv cabinet. "Stupid long legs," he grumbled as he rubbed his knee. "Since when was I even taller than you?"

"Since you suck," Dean said. "Bitch."



Gabriel walked back into the house with a bag full of things he had just bought. He ran upstairs with the bag and then sat in his room, planning how he was going to do this.


He looked up and saw Cas standing in the doorway. Cas looked...sad.

"Cassie? What's up?"

"Dean's being weird."

"What do you mean?"

"He's just being really distant. We've barely talked all week, he hasn't even being coming to school."

"You can't really blame him, what with Sam and everything."

"Yeah but..." Cas sighed. "It just feels weird, not seeing him everyday."

"Wow. Really? Cas it's okay not to see him everyday."

Cas just rolled his eyes and laid down on Gabe's bed. "I miss him."

"Then go over there now, I'm sure they won't mind."

"I just did...Sam and Dean went on a road trip. He didn't even mention this to me."

Gabe winced. "Don't worry Cas. He's just being brotherly and shit."


Gabe rolled his eyes, and then Balthazar walked into the room. "You guys look moapy," he said. They both just shrugged. "Well then, why don't we go have some fun?"

"Balthazar your idea of fun includes getting drunk and smashing things," Cas pointed out.

"And?" Gabe said. "Let's do it."

"Gabe you're underage."

"Who cares?"

Cas sighed but agreed with them.

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