33 - School's Out

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Let's time skip the hell outa this.

Okay maybe that's too much.

Here, have a small time skip.

~2 months later~

Gabe woke up in Sam's arms as he always did, Sam pressed against his back and nuzzling into his neck.

"Samantha," Gabe said, rolling over. "Time to get up."

Sam mumbled something too quiet to hear. Gabe smiled at him and kissed him gently. Sam responded lazily and Gabe pulled away, smirking.

"You're totally awake," Gabe said. Sam sighed and opened his hazel eyes, looking into Gabe's gold ones.

"Can't we stay in bed?" Sam whined.

"We have to drag our lazy brothers to school. And wake them up first."

"Or they could set an alarm."

"You know that doesn't get them up anymore."

Sam sighed, but climbed out of the bed.

They were at the Winchester's house, Cas there with Dean too. Destiel had been studying pretty much all night, for their final exam today. Sam and Gabe had been making sure they slept enough and woke up in time to get to school.

They got dressed and walked into Dean's room where the soulmates were lying on the bed together. With maybe a few less clothes than would be considered decent.

"I'm not even going to ask," Gabe said, nudging Cas. Sam walked to the other side of the bed, grabbed Dean's arm and pulled him off the bed. Dean landed on the ground with a groan and Sam walked over to open the curtains, shining light in his brothers face.

"Jerk," Dean muttered, sitting up.

"Bitch," Sam replied.

Gabe managed to get Cas up easily, as Cas wasn't as much of a heavy sleeper as Dean.

"We have half an hour before school starts," Gabe said. "Get your lazy asses up."

"Do we have to?" Dean whined.

"God all the Winchester's are the same," Gabe said, shaking his head.

"Well when did you become a morning person?" Sam asked.

"Since I got a reason to wake up," Gabe replied, smiling at Sam.

"Go flirt somewhere else," Dean muttered, standing to push them out of the room.

"Don't just start making out with Cas," Sam yelled as he walked away from the room.

"You can't control me!" Dean yelled back.

Sam and Gabe just laughed, before going to make breakfast. Well, Sam made breakfast while Gabe hunted down sugar

When Cas and Dean finally came out of their room, Sam gave them food before they all got into the Impala and went to school. That had become their routine since the older brothers had started final exams.


Cas and Dean walked into the classroom set up for exams.

(I only know how my school does exams...aren't they called finals in some places? I don't even know)

"Good luck," Cas said to Dean, before walking off to his seat. The tables were set up away from each other, exams on the tables in alphabetical order.

"You too," Dean said after him, before sitting down at his own seat and looking at the front of his exam. It was the maths one. Gotta love maths.

Dean glared at the paper. He'd studied maths a lot in the last two months, with the help of Cas and his friends. He'd definitely improved, but it was still his worst subject.

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