She starts to get up but Harry grabs her wrist before she can run off to the kitchen, she slowly sits back down glaring at him.

"Let me make tea" she growls.

Harry finally starts to lose his patience "I don't want your fucking tea, I want answers!" he says irritated.

"Fine, it was the whole time!" she yells back at him.

"The whole time?" he asks incredulously.

"Yes" she says bitterly.

"B-But why?" the hurt evident on his face.

She shakes her head "I never wanted to be your girlfriend, Harry"

"Then why the fuck were you, was it an act all this time?" he snaps in anger.

He shakes her head in amusement "Harry I hardly knew you when you asked me to be your girlfriend, didn't you find that a bit weird?" she mused.

"Why did you say yes then?" he asks confused.

She rolls her eyes "Mostly for the fame but also to get back at Cheri?"

"Fame?" Harry questioned but I was more focused on the latter, what did she mean get back at me?

"Harry, when I was your girlfriend, the paparazzi practically stalked me. If I ever want to become a big in the model industry then my name needs to be known. Being with you helped boost my career," she said, smirking.

I look at her in hatred, how could you do that to a person and then openly admit it to them just after cheating on them?

"You used me," Harry says with no emotion while she nods.

It was silent for a few seconds before I decided to butt in.

"What do you mean get back at me?" I say curiously.

She smirks "Well it's a given, that we don't get on".

I nod in agreement "Yes but you hated me right from the start, why though Ashley?"

"You had everything," she says simply.

I look at her in confusion, I didn't have everything, what did she mean by that? Was she jealous?

Ashley continues "Everyone adored you, the boys, Susie, Zoë, Dolly, Lily...the list goes on" she says rolling her eyes.

I look at her wondering where this is going.

"You had the perfect life"

I raise my eyebrows "Your life doesn't seem to bad" I say waving my hand at her enormous mansion and expensive furniture.

She gives me a small laugh "Sure I have money but that's it. Nobody adored me like they adored you".

"Susie seems to adore you," I say.

"Yes but that's because she wants something from me, she wants me for her business, that's not real love".

"Okay, how does this have anything to do with using me?" Harry asks in confusion "What has Cheri got to do with this?"

"Ah" she says clicking her fingers "You had everything but Harry, so I took away the only thing which you didn't have".

"What do you mean?" I say puzzled.

"You liked Harry, I was definite about him liking you back so I got in the way to stop you having what you wanted most".

"Your disgusting" I spit out in anger, how could she use Harry so easily and not care at all.

She turns her slightly to the side, studying me. "But that wasn't the main reason why I wanted to hurt you".

"What else is there now?" I say rolling my eyes and she makes up more reasons on why to hate me. Maybe she should just save time and right out a list and mail it to me.

"I was jealous," she says.

"I get that you were jealous, you already said that," I say losing interests in this pointless conversation

"That wasn't the only thing I was jealous of"

"What else could you be jealous of?" I say confused. She had money, looks and a great job. What could I possibly have which she didn't?

"No, I was jealous that you had Lily," she says quietly.

"What?" I say think I must of misheard her.

How could she be jealous of me having Lily?

I had assumed she hated small children since I though that the crying would annoy her since she didn't have much patience or she would fear that they would be sick on her expensive shoes or designer handbag.

I had never seen her take interest in Lily so what could she possibly want?

"Look above the mantle piece, Cheri" she says softly, her tone completely changing from it's usual snappy self.

Above the mantle piece was a photo frame but it wasn't your usual family photo, it was of a baby scan.

"I was jealous because I was so close to having what you had" she whispers.


Yeaaa now you understand a bit better why Ashley hates Cheri so much.

**I'm going away on holiday but there'll still be an update next week as usual.

~~Competition is going up for real so please check that out~~

Chapter dedicated to @clarebear3332 - aha sorry for stopping your unpacking ;)

Next chapter dedicated to a commenter xo

300 votes? (Who wants Harry and Cheri together?)

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Beaten and Bullied (Harry Styles fanfic) RESTORED!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant