"We'll get her to the hospital and they'll take over from there. She seems to have lost a lot of blood so we need to get her to a hospital fast," the guy explained as the woman checked my face. I tried to fight her off but she kept on going.

"Let me go. I'm okay. Just help her. Help her. She's pregnant, help her," I yelled.

They looked at me with wide eyes and as if a switch went on, the guy rushed the woman to grab the gurney. She acted in lightning speed and in a minute or two we were moving to the back of the ambulance. I slumped down beside Sam, clutching her hand, tears in my eyes as I begged her to fight on, to stay here with me. I prayed to god that the baby was okay, that the loss of blood and the impact won't hurt him. They have to be okay. The paramedics were telling me that the police will need to question me at the hospital as some investigators are already making their way to the scene. I couldn't concentrate, I just needed them to be okay. Sam can't die. She can't.

It's funny. My mom works at a hospital, I've been in halls like this one numerous times as I waited for her, and I feel scared and nervous and out of place as hell. People are crying, some are anxious, others are sighing with relief. I'm watching some doctors rush to Sam's side, they're checking her pulse, her limbs, her cuts. Some nurse tries to get me to get checked but I divert from her grasp as I watch Sam...her body seeming lifeless.

"Her pulse is low," I hear a doctor say. "Leg looks broken," another one informs. "She's lost a lot of blood we might need a transfusion." My head swirls around as I listen.

"Son, you need to get checked," the doctor tells me as she notices me.

Shaking my head I say, "No, no. You need to help her, you have to save her. I'm fine."

The doctor moves from Sam's body to come and check my cuts and my arm. One less doctor to save her life. No!

"I said I'm fine. Help her," I stated.

"It's okay. Your cuts need to be treated."

I flinch away, my eyes holding the doctor's as I say, "You have to save her. She's pregnant. You have to help them please. She's pregnant. Please."

My eyes pool with tears and my voice cracks. The doctor's eyes widen as she turns around and rushes to the others.

"We have to move. She's pregnant. Move! Move!"

The doctor then turns to me for just a second as they prepare to wheel Sam.

"We're taking her to surgery. I promise we'll do our best but in return you have to let the nurse take care of your cuts. Okay?"

I quickly nod, already letting the nurse sit me back down on the bed behind me.

"Will she..." I let the sentence drop.

"We'll do our best. We'll check her again and rush her to surgery. She seems to have multiple fractures but we need to see if there are any internal injuries. We'll call her ob-gyn to check the baby. Call family and friends and wait for someone to come out and update you."

I gulped and nodded, watching the doctor leave and letting the nurse patch me up.

My foot wouldn't stop jumping up and down. It's been almost an hour and no one has come out to update me. Melissa was called and she came rushing. She told me she'd come out and update me as soon as she would be able to.

"Ashton," I heard my mom's voice call for me.

Looking up, I see my mom with Anna, Aaron, Kayla, and Chace. When I called my mom and told her about the accident, she informed me she would be on her way right away. I then called Chace as he had texted me, worried about where we were as we were late to the party. My phone died right away so I made the calls from the hospital and that was enough to alarm my friends and family. Now, as I watch my mom and friends approach, I can't help but lose the strong posture I've held. She looks at the stitches on my forehead, the bandage around my arm, and the blood on my shirt. I shake my head to tell her it's nothing and her shoulders slump as she hurries to me. Her arms wrap around me and I fall into her embrace, tears running down my cheek, chest heaving as hands rub my back and my mom kisses the side of my head.

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