"Hey guys," Chace greeted as he placed an arm around Kayla's shoulders.

"How did you get permission to come here?" Kayla asked.

"The teach said it was fine as long as we're back once our dear principle arrives."

I instantly moved to Ashton's side. He kissed the side of my head as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I can smell the oreos you know," Ashton whispered against my ear.

Giggling, I turned to face him. "Want some?"

Ashton's eyebrows raised. "Are you really going to share your oreos?"

I smacked his chest as he let out a laugh. His eyes crinkling, making his hazel orbs glow. 

"I actually ate them all. But shut up," I huffed, giving him my annoyed-joking glare.

"You're a really something," Ashton chuckled, placing a soft peck on the side of my head.

"Yeah yeah," I grumbled.

"I love you," he whispered in my ear.

And just like that, my stomach churned, my heart constricted, and my lips formed that smile that I find plastered in my face when I hear those words.

Looking up at him, I snuggled closer into his side, placing my head on his shoulder. 

"I love you too," I said, my eyes locking onto his as I looked up at him.

We watched our friends teasing Anna and trying to crack her grumpy frown, which eventually she did drop as Chace cracked a joke about our uptight, short, bald principle who just walked in.

I thought my history class wouldn't end, well it was nothing compared to this. Out principle went on and on and on, speaking about the day of graduation and all its details. My eyes would slowly flicker to across the room, catching Ashton's gaze as he was also looking my way now and then. He'd huff, roll his eyes, or make a face whenever the principle stopped to take a breath only to start again. I tried to suppress the laughter trying to get out of me, and thankfully I was successful.

After what felt like forever, we were finally given instructions on what to do. We were told how we'd enter. How we'd get up the stage, from which direction, how we'd take a few seconds to stop and smile at the parents attending as we grabbed our certificates.

Sandy started off the ceremony by giving a speech. She got up the stage as if she were walking a runway and was given instructions on when to start, what to do, and how to depart the stage. Then came the valedictorian speech. And guess who's given that honor? Me. Yup. I couldn't believe it, but it's true. Although we had a few exams left, I had the greatest grade point average so far and Ms Ross was persistent on getting me the title. And she did. So now, I had to get up on stage in front of everyone and be instructed by some teachers on what to do on the actual graduation day which was about three weeks from now.

We were placed in lines, each student had a specific seat. Once we were seated, the principal started to call out our names in alphabetical order. This must've taken more than an hour as we each practiced getting up the stage, shaking the principal's hand and then pausing for a picture and walking off.

My feet felt heavy and my calves were in pain. The practice took the whole day, as Kayla had assumed, and now were finally one our way home.

    "I'm so tired," I groaned as I slumped on the bed.

I heard Ashton making a 'mmhmm' noise, agreeing with me. He huffed as he dropped our bags by the closet and then slumped on the bed beside me. Instantly, I looked up at him, reveling in his features. I always find myself staring at his face, trying to memorize every single feature. A fluttering feeling always erupted inside of me, it always surprised me how this boy can make me react.

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