"Two more months Mads," Catherine raises her eyebrows, "Two..more..months," she slurs as their drinks arrive. Martin finds her as amusing as I do and I'm glad everyone here is so welcoming to Martin. I'm sure he isn't used to it, considering how people treated him at that damn camp. 

"Did you hear anything else from Landon, Mads?" Chase asks me, taking a big swig of his dark colored beer. 

I nod promptly, "Yeah, he said he was going out with Gerard and them," I tell him and Chase nods understandingly. 

If you can believe it, I introduced Martin to Landon and surprisingly, Martin liked him. He wasn't rude or overprotective. I think he was slightly intimidated, but I found it quite charming. 

"So, Martin, where are you from again?" Chase then turns to Martin who is barely sipping on his beer. 

"Amsterdam," Martin says licking his lips, his eyes glancing to me when he senses me staring at me. 

"I bet you have fun there," Chase smirks with a chuckle and Martin practically does the same. 

"Well, when you live there, everything kind of blurs together and there isn't much to do," Martin shrugs and for some reason, I love it when Martin talks about his home. I wish he would do it more if I'm being honest. 

"So, how'd you meet Mads then?" Chase asks curiously and I can tell Catherine is intrigued herself by this conversation. 

Martin turns his head to me, before smirking, "Long story," Martin says, "But it's one for the books," he adds with a short laugh. 

I give him a smile, admiring him without no shame. It's insane how much I've fallen for him, but I don't mind it because I feel safe with him. I trust in him that he will try this time; he will try his best. We all end up talking for around half an hour about random things. Chase and Martin seem to bond pretty well, which Catherine and I are both happy about. 

Martin ends up sharing his beer with me and to my surprise, it tasted quite good. Once we finish the beer, he doesn't order another one and I think it's because he wants the both of us to stay sober, unlike our friends straight across from us. 

Once Catherine gets a bite to eat (as we were all fed up with her complaining), we all decide we should call it a night. 

Martin and I call a different cab than them, not wanting to deal with anymore slurred words. 

"Where are you staying?" I ask, realizing I haven't asked him this the whole time he's been here. 

"Oh, so now you ask me," Martin says sarcastically and I roll my eyes, shaking my head slightly. 

"I'm being serious," I say, standing in front of him, his hands holding onto mine tightly. He intertwines our fingers together, a smile growing on his face. 

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