Chapter 2

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 I stepped out of the limo, my hands shaking with nerves as I let go of my dress and looked up. There were crowds of colour all around the small outside area, which was covered in pebbles and stones.

I swallowed my nerves and began to walk, my high heels slightly wobbly against the pebbles. 

"We need to go around the corner! I want to get a picture." Miley informed us, ignoring the stares of the boys she was getting; Jack nodded and took her hand leaving me to walk beside like a lost puppy. 

Once we were around the corner everyone began to stop underneath a small archway where couple posed to have photos. I watched them as we got close and Jack and Miley stood underneath and listened to the photographer as he told them how to stand. Jack ended up with his arms around Miley's waist and they both were looking into each other’s eyes with adoration.

I suddenly felt a pang of jealousy as I watched them; they were so in love you could almost reach out and touch the sparks that darted between their eyes.

Why couldn't that be me? Why couldn't I have someone to stand by my side?

Once they were done they walked off forgetting about me, I tried to look for a way around without having a photo but there was nothing, so I walked through hoping he would let me get away with it.

"Hey stop and pose" He said smiling, I groaned. "No it's okay, I’ll just go" I said walking away but he stood up in front of me.

"You’re a pretty girl, you should have a photo" He said winking. What struck me was that he seemed quite young for a photographer, well a professional one anyway, and he sounded remotely foreign. I must say he was quite handsome but also very annoying; he had scruffy but cute brown hair with a small fringe that reached his eye brow, and bright green eyes.

"No really it's okay" I said starting to get angry.

"Don’t be shy, just smile" He whispered lightly pushing me back to the archway, I grumbled a few words and stood straight staring at him blankly.

"Cheese" He said pulling a stupid face I couldn't help but laugh at. I suddenly felt stupid when I realised just how awful will that picture be. I walked up to him, hoping he would show me.

"Can I see?" I asked, trying to grab the camera.

"Nope" He said popping the P. I sighed and walked away grumpily, stupid photographer.

Everyone was waiting outside for the doors to open; I was sat by Miley who was happily drinking the free punch.

"Everyone may I have your attention" Our head teacher Mr. Morris boomed making everyone silent, "I’d just like to say how wonderful you all look, and we all hope you enjoy tonight." He shouted with a proud smile as he watched another teacher open the door and everyone piled in.

I let everyone go first before walking into the room, it was a huge hall which was decorated gold and purple. There was light music in the background as I made my way to the back of the hall to a small table.

It was hard to figure who was who as they were in masks but also I didn’t know very many people so when I sat on a random table nerves built up inside me as every one’s eyes were on me.

"And who are you?" A girl voice snapped making me flinch.

"Hayley Gold" I whispered trying to figure out who she was.

"Who? I’ve never even heard of you" She said snuggling into the boys next to her arms. Ouch that hurt.

"I started a few month back while exams started so not many people know me" I explained, she nodded and looked forward not speaking anymore.

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