Taekwon knelt down in front of the front door and pushed away more candles, flowers, photographs, small teddy bears, and letters.

'Taekwon, I don't think you should-' Taehyung said as he stepped towards Taekwon, he didn't want their respectful work to be destroyed.

'I know what I'm doing.' Taekwon cut in before Taehyung could finish what he was saying.

Taekwon pushed down on a loose board and out popped the other end of it, he held the wooden board up before reaching in and pulling out a spare house key. He stood back up and stomped down on the wooden board, popping it back in place before opening the door and entering.

Taehyung gestured to Taegeuk, who then went under his arm and gripped onto his shirt.

'It's just as we left it.' Taekwon exhaled.

Taehyung and Taegeuk entered. The air was stale and thick, it hadn't been opened for a while so the air had stayed still, unable to circulate and refresh itself. But immediately, Taehyung could smell a familiar scent of her flittering nearby and the very distant memories he managed to have of her came back to him. He felt the same feelings he did once before.

'Where are the photos?' Taehyung stuttered as he stood there in a daze.

'They're in the photo albums,' Taekwon said as he began to walk over to a bookshelf in the living room, 'we have a lot!'

'I'll show you my room!' Taegeuk smiled and took Taehyung's hand, pulling him towards a hallway just off from the living room, 'and I'll show you Taekwon's room, and mamas room too.'

'Oh, no you don't have to.' Taehyung smiled.

'But I want to show you our rooms.' Taegeuk said with furrowed eyebrows as she looked up at Taehyung, hands still pulling him towards a door in the hallway.

'You don't have to show me their rooms, just yours is fine.' He smiled once again, he didn't want to see Alli's room, he knew his heart couldn't handle it especially now.

'They wouldn't mind anyway,' Taegeuk smiled back and opened a door with pink block letters T.G on it, 'this is my room!'

The walls were white, as were the fairy curtains and her waffle bedspread. It was clean and not a single article of clothing, teddy bear, or toy was out of place. All was still and calm.

'It's clean.' Taehyung commented with a small laugh.

'You expected my room to be messy?!' She laughed and punched his arm lightly, 'I'm clean, it's Taekwon who you should expect to have a messy room. He would always get scolded for having a messy room, but that matches his brain; messy, but also filled with...well, who really knows what goes on inside his smart brain.' She laughed and jumped on her bed.

Taehyung smiled at her and slowly walked around the room with his eyes travelling all around before resting on the skylight.

Taegeuk laid on her bed and stared through the skylight, watching the rain fall.

'It's like it's never going to end.' Taegeuk whispered.

'What's never going to end?' Taehyung gulped, assuming she was talking about Alli being missing, the empty feeling he knew they all were feeling.

'The rain,' Taegeuk answered, 'it just feels like one of those days where you really think about everything in depth.'

'What are you thinking about?' Taehyung asked as he laid down next to her and stared up at the sky through the window.

'Just everything.' She answered with a sigh.

'I've found them!' Taekwon yelled as he ran down the hallway with his arms full of photo albums, almost slipping out of his struggling grip. He entered the room with a wide grin on his face and placed the albums on the ground.

Taehyung got up and placed his hands on his hips, smiling down at all the memories before him.

'There's a few more,' Taekwon puffed, 'I think they're in moms room, I'll go look.'

Taegeuk got off her bed and sat on the fluffy grey rug on the floor, pulling an album onto her lap, 'This is the one with the photos of mom before we were born, when she was pregnant with us.'

Taehyung sat closely beside Taegeuk and eagerly awaited her to open the photo album, as she did his heart sat still and his breathing stopped.

'Here's the others!' Taekwon said as he walked back in the room and placed them on the ground before sitting down, 'we have so many...' He whispered before opening one.

Taehyung pulled his attention back to the photographs of Alli, as each page was turned the photographs changed, showing her belly grow bigger and bigger.

'That's around the last time I saw her.' Taehyung said as his eyes darted from each photo, his heart was beating fast at seeing her in the photographs.

She looked how she did the last he saw her, the same youthful face and smile full of beauty. His heart warmed, yet grew sad, as he looked at each photo showing her growing belly.

Taegeuk giggled, 'Well, obviously! Because she's pregnant!' She bursted out into a laugh, causing Taekwon to laugh as well.

'That- uh, alright,' Taehyung stuttered with a laugh, 'okay, next page.'

The twins laughed uncontrollably which taunted at the rain causing it to growl louder with a thundering boom and a strike of lightning, the twins silenced themselves and exchanged wide eyed looks of sudden fear, Taegeuk looked up at Taehyung with worried eyes.

'I think we should stay here until the rain goes away.' She whispered.

Taehyung nodded with a warm smile, 'I think so too.'

To Find Her Again [TLTL sequel / COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now