26 Parenting Class

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DeAndre POV*

Im missing practice today so i can go to this class with Star. This is really some bullshit. Im about to get high before i go. I went downstairs and got my keys. I then walked out the door. I went to my car and got in. I pulled off. I pulled up at the store in less then 5 mins. I got out and went inside. I called Star. She answered. "Hello?" She said.

"You want something from the store?" I asked.

"No thank you"

"Ight" i said. We hung up. I got me a water with 2 bags of chips. I then went to the counter. "Can i get a rillo?" He gave it to me and i gave him the money. I had walked out the store with my stuff and got in the car. I started rolling a blunt before i pulled off. After i finshed rolling it , i started smoking it.

Star POV*

Im sitting on the couch waiting for Dre. Im really making hella snap videos and taking plenty of pictures. My mother somewhere at work. Me and Dre suppose to be going somewhere but he wont tell me where. Anyway i heard a horn outside. I got up and looked out the window. It was Dre. I got my purse and walked out the door. I went to the car and got in. "Hey" i said.

"Whats up" he said. "Whats the address?" I had went to my father message and showed it to him. He put it in the car gps. We then pulled off after he did that. I got on snap and started taking pictures. I had took a picture with me rolling my eyes and Dre in the back. He wasnt paying attention to me. We pulled up at the place in like 15 mins. We got out and went inside.

"Welcome , come sign in right here" the lady at the desk said. I had signed in. "Take a mat and pick a spot on the floor"

"Ok" i said. I got a mat and we sat in the front row , right in the middle. We wasnt the first people. We was like the 3rd set. While we was waiting yall know what i started doing. Making snap videos. Dre was sitting behind me on my mat. "Ugly ass all in my snap"

"Girl i look good" He said as he came closer to me and put his arms around me. He started making dumb faces. A lady had came in.

"Whats up yall" she said. "Im Samantha yall teacher but yall can call me Sam" This class gonna be real interesting. "This class is to teach you guys how to provide for and treat ya soon to be baby , any questions" i had looked around and nobody had a question. "Ok well our first activity is getting to know each other because i dont know you guys , so who wanna go first?" I raised my hand. Get this over with. "You tell us ya name and how far along you are?"

"Ok my name is Star and i am only a month and a half" i said.

"I love ya name" they girl next to me said.

"Thanks" i said. Everybody else went.

Cortez POV*

Im on the phone with Paris. "Star still not talking to yall?" She asked.

"Nah" i said.

"I think yall should apologize to her"

"I aint do shit to her so she dont have a reason to be mad at me"

"She mad because you was out there and yall wasnt gonna tell her"

"Im not gonna snitch on my mans"

"But he wasnt ya mans until she bought him around yall"

"It doesnt matter , if she would have did something like that and was there , i wouldnt snitch on her , because 1 it aint my business and 2 im not getting involve in nobody elses relationship"

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