21 Say What!

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Star POV*

Im in the bathroom throwing up. It like 4 in the morning. I been doing this all week. I dont know whats wrong. My stomach been hurting too. Anyway I had finished throwing up. I rinsed my mouth out and i went back in my room. I laid on my bed and started thinking. My stomach started hurting again. I picked my phone up and got on the internet. I searched up 'sickness with throwing up , nausea and stomach pains' and the first thing that popped up was pregnancy. I better not be pregnant. Im about to walk to the store right now and get a test. I really dont feel like doing that. I texted Dre. He will get it when he wake up.

Me: can you get me a pregnancy test from the store?

I then just laid there watching tv.

3 Hours Later*

DeAndre POV*

Im just waking up. I got up and walked out my room. I went in the bathroom and started doing my morning routine. That took like 30 mins. I then went back in my room and laid back down. I got my phone and i had hella messages. I replied to them. Star message caught me off guard. I had facetimed her. She answered and it connected. "Hey" she said.

"GoodMorning" i said.

"Goodmorning , did you get my message?"

"Yea , it caught me off guard" i said. "You could have said goodmorning or something"

"Are you gonna get it?"

"Why do you feel that you need one?"

"Because i been throwing up and feeling sick for like the past weeks"

"O shit , i gotchu when i leave out"

"Ok" she said.

Star POV*

Im sitting here watching some cartoons and on facetime with Dre. It was quiet. "Im hungry as shit" he said.

"What you wanna eat?" i asked.

"I dont even know"

"You got practice today?"


"I can fix you something to eat"

"You might get sick while you fixing my food"

"I wasnt"

"You dont know that"

"Whatever" i said. My mother had looked in my room. She only had on a tank top with some panties.

"Hey Star" she said.

"Hey" i said.

"Who you on facetime with?"

"DeAndre" i said. She came over and took my phone.

"Hey son in law" she said. She erky. Every since i told her that he my boyfriend she been calling him that.

"Hey maa" he said.

"If you come over here this morning , bring some breakfast"

"That means i gotta go to the market"


"Lets just got out for breakfast"

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