Chapter 39

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Cara was the first one to wake up. She opened her eyes and looked down at a naked Hailee. Hailee's arms were wrapped around Cara's waist, and her head was on her chest. Cara sighed and tried to get up, but Hailee's grip around her tightened. So, Cara just laid there, not wanting to wake her up.


You sat next to Lauren at the dinner table, like always. It was Mike and Clara at the end of the table, then Taylor and Chris across from you and Lauren. You glanced at Lauren, seeing her staring at her plate.

Under the table, you grabbed her hand and gave it a light squeeze. Lauren looked up and smiled at you. You gave her a smile back, then retreating your hand back to the top of the table.

"Guys," Lauren spoke, causing her family to look at her. This was it, Lauren was getting ready to come out, "I - uh, I have something to say," Taylor gave her a knowing look, and Lauren nodded, "I felt this way for awhile, and uhm, I'm gay..and Y/N is my girlfriend."

It was silent at first, just Mike, Clara and Chris staring at Lauren.

"I knew it!" Chris broke the silent, "All those rumors at school are true."

Mike let out a small chuckle, "Lauren. Your mother and I know. We've discussed it, since you've never had a boyfriend and always said no to boys when they ask you out. And we know that Y/N is your girlfriend."

Clara continued, "In fact, one night, I went up to your room and saw you and Y/N making-out."

"Ew, mom!" Lauren groaned, a blush on her cheeks. You had a smile on your face. You didn't mind the teasing, you were just grateful that Lauren's family accepts the two of you.


"Wait - what?" Dinah asked, making sure she heard correctly.

"Normani is now living next to me!" Ally exclaimed, "She's back!"

"Isn't that a good thing?" Lauren questioned, "I mean, you two were like best friends," Lauren, you, Ally, Camila, and Dinah were all in Ally's room, on her bed.

You looked at Ally, raising an eyebrow. You and Dinah were still the only ones who knew about the kiss.

"I-ugh, I don't know," Ally groaned, "I'm mad at her for leaving!" and other things, Ally thought, "And plus, she didn't even call me!"

"I'm sure she starts school tomorrow again," Camila said, "So we'll just see how that goes tomorrow."


You and Lauren paused as you saw the huge banner hanging up on the school.

You groaned, "Prom?"

"Yes! Prom! I love prom!" Lauren exclaimed, turning to you with a big grin on her face.

"I don't," you mumbled, beginning to walk again with Lauren, "I hate prom."

"How could you hate prom?" Lauren inquired, "Prom is where people dance and talk and hangout! It's where magic is made!"

"Exactly," you said, "I don't like to dance. Nor do I know how to dance."

"You don't have to know how to dance, you just need to move around and enjoy it. Please Y/N!" Lauren pleaded.

You glanced at her and sighed, "I'll think about it."


Ally and Normani have been avoiding each other all day. They want to talk to each other, but they don't at the same time. Ally was mad at Normani, and Normani was mad at Ally. Normani was mad at Ally because she chose Troy, even though they're broken up.

Normani walked down the hallway when she bumped into someone. She looked up to see Troy, and her eyes widened. Troy locked eyes with Normani, and he set his jaw, his eyes full of anger.

"You," he spat with anger, "You ruined my relationship. You took the best thing that has happened to me in a long time."

"Me? Troy, no," Normani shook her head, "Ally pulled me into the janitor's closest and kissed me! She demanded me to kiss her! So if anything, she started it!"

"And the other time? Ally told me there was a second time," Troy said, trying to calm down.

"I - well," Normani sighed, "I kissed her first that time. But she kissed back!"

Troy bit his lip and nodded. He looked at Normani, then across the hall was Ally, staring at the two. She and Troy locked eyes, but Troy shook his head and walked away. Normani, curious, turned around to see who Troy was staring at. She froze and stared right back at Ally.

Normani didn't know what to do. She didn't know if she should walk up to Ally or not. So, she just turned around and walked away.

Ally closed her eyes, softly sighing.


edited - 8/18/17

snapchat : graciejbands

- gracie 💓

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