"Ok so are you gonna tell me why on earth you dragged me away from Caspar and Troye?" I ask.

I decide not to be mad. Caspar and Troye seemed great but these two I loved them. Yes it was a friend love but it didn't change how much I cared. It was clear they felt the same.

"Joe, you know we love you" Jim says in his calm voice.

"But we don't want to see you getting your ass kick!" Louise says less calm.

"Guys I'm not your child, I can take care of myself." I say smiling at them to show I'm not mad.

"We take care of each other," Jim says "it's what's friends do."

"Jim that's sweet it really is but I don't want to be protected if it means Caspar and Troye are going to get hurt. Who is protecting them?" I say.

At that moment I see Caspar and Troye walk out the doors of the school into the court yard where we are sitting. I look at Jim and Louise and smile. I love them like nothing else but I promise Caspar and Troye a story I will get them one.

"I will see you both soon." I say to them.

I begin walking away from the table when Louise grabs my arm. She's looks at me with a stern face. It's moments like this I think she would be a great Mum.

"We are still on for tonight right?" She asked.

I just nod.

I walkover to where Troye and Caspar are sitting on the ground it appears they are doing this because there are no more seats at the tables.

"Hey guys I am really sorry about that." I say as I sit next to Caspar.

"It's ok." Troye says smiling "we could tell it wasn't really your decision."

We all laugh alittle at this. I defiantly think some of the laughter was just to break the awkward tension.

"So what was it you where going to tell us." Caspar asks looking right at me.

"Umm" I say uncomfortably

It's odd this makes me nervous since the whole school seems to know. A small part of me thinks that I'm just nervous about Caspar.

"Well my sister well she's amazing, she's my best friend without a doubt.." I say thinking fondly of my sister and how much I love her. "At the end of last year she started getting tired a lot and losing a lot of weight.. At first we thought it was just stress but.." I gulp trying hard to keep tears from my eyes as I remember everything that had happened. "Well she went to a doctor and it was Breast Cancer.. Pretty serious breast cancer... She's in hospital she's ok for now."

I don't really know what else to say. We sit awkwardly for a moment silence echoing around our little circle. Then I feel Caspar arms  pull me into another warm hug. It's alittle bit of an awkward hug since we are sitting right next to each other but still it made me feel better.. Why to Caspars hugs always make me feel better?
After school
Louise and I get into Jims car. I sit in the back since Jim is driving and Louise is older so she gets dibs on the front seat.

It isn't a long journey to the hospital where Zoe is. It's just I can't drive and my Mum works a lot. So Louise Jim and I agreed to go every Tuesday and every Sunday I bus out by myself.

We drive listening to basically what ever Louise wants. We chat about this and that. I mention my chemistry project with Caspar. Suddenly Louise turns around and smiles at me.

"Joes got a crush!" Louise called as Jim laugh.

"No I don't, you know I don't waste my time with straight boys." I say. 

"You can lie to yourself Joe but not to us." Jim says. 

I quickly change the subject because deep down I know they are right.

We arrive at the hospital. It's big and cavernous almost scary. It's the kind of scary that makes my heart beat.

We walk the empty halls until we arrive at Zoe's room. I knock gently on the door.

"Is that my best friends!" I hear my sisters weak but happy voice.

I open the door to see Zoe laying on her bed. She's very skinny at this point she's looks like you could break her if you hold her too hard. Around her head was wrapped a skill scarf to hid her bald head.

I go over and sit on Zoe's bed and cuddle with her while Louise and Jim sit in chairs next to us. We all talk and laugh until I remember the book Mr.Green had given me.

"Zoe I have something for you!" I say jumping off the bed and grabbing my bag off the floor.  "The Fault in Our Stars!"

"I have never heard of it." Zoe says.

"Well I would be surprised if you had. It's Mr.Green book he told me to give it to you." I say.

"Jim will you heard it to me I'm really tired." Zoe says her voice lacking it's usual cheer.

Jim starts to read the book and feel Zoe start to fall asleep in my arms. Suddenly I buzz from my phone.


Hey Joe thanks for talking to me today! I promise I will be here if  you ever need me! I am almost excited to do our Chem project together.

"What was that?" Zoe crocked weakly

"If I had to guess i would say Joes crush Caspar." Jim says

"Ohh Joes got a crush I bet he loves you.." Zoe whispers cuddling into my side
Authors notes
Hey guys sorry it's so long thanks for reading!!
I love writing it I'm having a lot of fun! Don't worry the Jaspar shipping (as well as maybe a couple others) are happening soon. Sorry to hear Narcus broke up but as long as they are gonna be happy I'm happy.

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